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By studying ecology, scientist are better able to understand the impact of humans on the planet, while also determining the impact of the planet on humans. There is a fragile balance between humans and mother nature. We must use natures resources without abusing them. The study of our planets fragile Ecology has determined that natures fragile balance is not as it once was. The planet is changing, and humans must struggle to successfully adapt to those changes.

One way humans have effected the ecology of the planet is through our increased use of energy. Some have said that the plant will not be able to keep up with our energy consumption. There are many ecological changes taking place because of our energy consumption. Oil is a good example of the manner in which we are causing great ecological change. In order to get the mass amounts of oil that we consume, we must drill in places that have so far been untouched by humans. In places like Alaska, we are changing the ecological balance of nature in ways that we do not yet understand. In order to get to the oil, we must travel across pristine land and disturb the ecology of that land as we go through. When we drill for oil, we also destroy resources that are available to the wildlife in that area. There are not many things that effect the ecological balance of a place more than oil disasters. Oil spills are a major cause of ecological disturbance and some areas have been unable to recover. The area effected by the Exxon Valdez oil spill, has so far, been unable to recover either environmentally or economically. These disasters highlight the need for humans to find alternate energy resources and to cut down on our energy consumption.

The planet has effected humans in a variety of ways. Humans have had to adjust to a changing climate. It is not important for an individual to believe in global warming in order to recognize that our environment is changing. No matter what you believe about global warming, one cannot deny that temperatures are changing, glaciers are melting, and animals and marine life are dieing. While humans have been pretty successful in adapting to the changing ecology of the planet, some creatures have not fared as well. The ecological changes that our planet has undergone, will eventually effect us in ways that we cannot yet understand.

Humans have adapted fairly well to the ecological changes taking place. However, we do not yet know the full scope the changes taking place. With environmental changes taking place we will experience many other changes. Like other creatures on earth, our food sources may change or disappear, water may become scare and weather may become even more harsh. The success of human survival depends greatly on our ability to adapt to the changing ecology. If we can begin to understand the effects of our actions no the planet, we may be able to change the eventual outcome. By learning from our mistakes, we help ensure a better planet for future generations.
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