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The 20 CODIS Core Locia

Table E1 The 20 CODIS Core Locia Locus Location Sequence STR5 in noncodmg sequences 0151656 1q42-1 ,(GATA)n 025441 2p14 (TCTAW Day 338 2q35 (GGAA),, 055818 5q23.2 (AGAT),, 075820 7q2111 (GATAh 0851179 8q24.13 (TCTA/TCTG),, 01051248 10q263 (GGAAh _ 0125391 12p12 (AGAT/AGAC1n WWFV3$3TZWWWWWWWW 13q311 WWWWWWWWWST§?¢%WWWWWWWW _Wf?1§§§3?WWWWWWWWW 16q24‘ WWWWWWWW£§§?§%WWWWWWWW 018551 18q21.33 (AGAA)n 0195433 1 9q12 (AGAT/AGAC 1,, 021511 21q21.1 (TCTA/TCTG),, 0225 1045 22q1 3. 3 (TAA)n STR5 in introns of expressed genes W CSF1PO" W3 1 * ” 11116111 FGAC 4q31 .3 (CTTT),, 2p25 a As of January 1, 2017. béth intron of the c-fms protooncogene. C3rd intron of the fibrinogen alpha chain gene. d 1st intron of the tyrosine hydroxylase gene. 9 10th intron of the thyroid peroxidase gene. '40th intron of the von Willebrand factor gene.
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