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Best Answer • 4 days ago in Business (Other Fields Homework Help) by Ms Thickie
Correlations between two or more variables suggest possible relationships that can help explain research findings.

RAT: a. In tabulating and analyzing data, you may see relationships among two or more variables that can help explain your research findings. b. In reporting correlations, you should avoid suggesting that a cause-and-effect relationship exists when none can be proved. Only sophisticated research methods can statistically prove cause and effect. c. Correlations are effective because apparent correlations stimulate investigation and present possible solutions to be explored. d. Recommendations are based on the information provided in the report.
Which of the following statements best describes correlations?

Correlations between two or more variables suggest possible relationships that can help explain research findings.

Correlations prove cause-and-effect relationships.

Correlations are worthless as a statistical analysis tool.

Correlations make it easier to develop recommendations.
Best Answer • 4 days ago in Business (Other Fields Homework Help) by krissyc39
Report writers should try to draw conclusions that are subjective.

RAT: a. Any set of data can produce a variety of meaningful conclusions. Your most important task is to show the audience how the data relate to the problem being studied. b. The audience for a report wants to know how the data relate to the problem being studied. c. Many report writers would expand the conclusion section by explaining each item and citing supporting evidence. d. Although conclusions will contain some subjectivity, researchers should strive to be objective and to use bias-free language.
Which of the following statements about conclusions is NOT accurate?

Any set of data can produce a variety of meaningful conclusions.

The best conclusions show the audience how the data relate to the problem being studied.

Report writers may choose to expand the conclusion section by explaining each item and citing supporting evidence.

Report writers should try to draw conclusions that are subjective.
Best Answer • 4 days ago in Business (Other Fields Homework Help) by hfrankos
Aki gathers information on three cars to compare price, fuel economy, maintenance, and resale value before selecting a sales car.

RAT: a. Christine should write an investigative report. b. Aki should write a yardstick report using the same criteria to compare the three automobiles. c. Vivian should write a justification/recommendation report. d. Elijah should write an investigative or informational report.
Which of the following situations would require a yardstick report?

Christine reviews the company's financial records to verify the amount by which each departmental expense has changed during the quarter.

Aki gathers information on three cars to compare price, fuel economy, maintenance, and resale value before selecting a sales car.

Vivian presents data supporting the decision to open the company's newest restaurant in Kamloops.

Elijah conducts a study to determine whether customers prefer to dine in a restaurant or have food delivered to their homes.
Best Answer • 4 days ago in Business (Other Fields Homework Help) by kayekalico
the conclusions and recommendations

RAT: The most widely read portions of a report are the sections devoted to conclusions and recommendations.
Which of the following sections are generally the most widely read portions of a report?

the table of contents and introduction

the conclusions and recommendations

the executive summary and letter of transmittal

the appendixes and bibliography
Best Answer • 4 days ago in Business (Other Fields Homework Help) by cskeen80
Informational reports emphasize facts, and analytical reports emphasize reasoning and conclusions.

RAT: a. Both types of reports can be prepared for internal and external audiences. b. Informational reports emphasize facts, and analytical reports emphasize reasoning and conclusions. c. Although informational reports are generally organized directly, analytical reports can be organized directly or indirectly. d. Informational reports emphasize facts, and analytical reports emphasize reasoning and conclusions.
Which of the following is the primary difference between informational and analytical reports?

Informational reports are prepared for internal audiences, and analytical reports are prepared for external audiences.

Informational reports emphasize facts, and analytical reports emphasize reasoning and conclusions.

Informational reports are always organized directly, and analytical reports are always organized indirectly.

Informational reports provide recommendations just like analytical reports.
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