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PhysioEx Activity 8 Exercise 4 NEED HELP!
PhysioEx Activity 8 Exercise 4 NEED HELP!
Question number 1:
------According to the results form tube 4, can bile salt hydrolyze fat into glycerol and fatty acids?(tube 4 does NOT contain lipase, instead it contains deionized water). EXPLAIN WHY
Without bile salt, can lipase hydrolyze fat to release fatty acid at all? EXPLAIN.

Question # 2:
Anatomy and Physiology   jc9193   1030   Asked 10 years ago
physioex 9, exercise 12
physioex 9, exercise 12
I just realized my physioex 9.0 exercise 12 sheet is due today and I dont think I have time to finish it because I have a million other things I need to do. If anybody has any of the answers and could help I would greatly greatly appreciate it! I have some of them done but I really need to get the rest of it done. Im usually very good at staying on top of my work but this week has
Anatomy and Physiology   jerikamiller   3591   Asked 12 years ago
Rank each of the following phrases so that they occur in the correct sequential
Rank each of the following phrases so that they occur in the correct sequential
Rank each of the following phrases so that they occur in the correct sequential order of the sympathetic effects when blood pressure is high. Not all labels may be used.

1. Medulla oblongata integrates signal
2. ventricular myocardium beats with less force
3. sympathetic output decreases
4. arteriolar smooth muscle contracts
5. cardiac output decrease
Anatomy and Physiology   jfad21   3138   Asked 9 years ago
Sarcomere force vs. velocity with length and number
Sarcomere force vs. velocity with length and number
Question: Bill can lift exactly three times as much weight as everyone else in the school, even though he has the same amount of muscle. On the other hand, Jim can move his arm three times as fast but can barely lift a heavy book. You obtain muscle biopsies to analyze their muscle geometry.

If the length, number, cross section, and type of fibers the same in both, compar
Anatomy and Physiology   jgabbay12   504   Asked 10 years ago
kintetic anatomy chapter 6
kintetic anatomy chapter 6
Chapter 6
1.   When I open my hand, the palmar surface of my hand is white. When I release pressure from my thumb my hand becomes red.  The closest part of my hand turned red first and then the top turned red also. The ulnar artery was closed off. When I released the pressure from my index my fingers turned back red. The bottom of my fingers changed first and then
Anatomy and Physiology   jhoward 31   305   Asked 11 years ago
True or false: When the intensity of stimulation is so high that the muscle tracing shows fused peak
True or false: When the intensity of stimulation is so high that the muscle tracing shows fused peak
True or False
When the intensity of stimulation is so high that the muscle tracing shows fused peaks, tetanus has been achieved.  ----> False

True or False
The maximal response is the level of contraction produced by the maximal stimulus. ---->  True
Anatomy and Physiology   jock52   3773   Asked 12 years ago
Vision Lab based on Human Anatomy Laboratory Manual with Cat Dissections, 5/E
Vision Lab based on Human Anatomy Laboratory Manual with Cat Dissections, 5/E
Match the terms in the right column with the descriptions in the left column.

light bending
ability to focus for close (under 20 ft) vision
normal vision
inability to focus well on close objects (farsightedness)
Anatomy and Physiology   jock52   2995   Asked 12 years ago
Decide whether the following conditions would lead to metabolic acidosis or...
Decide whether the following conditions would lead to metabolic acidosis or...
Decide whether the following conditions would lead to metabolic acidosis or metabolic alkalosis.

Excess alcohol consumption
Severe diarrhea
Overuse of antacids
Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus
Excessive aspirin use
Strenuous exercise
Diuretics that cause H+ secretion
Anatomy and Physiology   jock52   2381   Asked 12 years ago
Please Help - Electrochemical force questions
Please Help - Electrochemical force questions
I am confused with "electrochemical-force" concept. Isn't there anyone who can explain electrochemical force in nervous system? Please read my question and "answers", I am not 100% confident with my answer.
Thank you for all your help.

1. What is the net (total) electrochemical force (its size and direction) acting on Na+ at the resting pot
Anatomy and Physiology   joffi8   1190   Asked 11 years ago
a stable phase curve best illustrates what
a stable phase curve best illustrates what
please help
Anatomy and Physiology   Jrowell   339   Asked 9 years ago
Identify and discuss the determinant and variables of cardiac output in details
Identify and discuss the determinant and variables of cardiac output in details
Describe short term regulation neura and hormonal of maintaining blood pressure
Anatomy and Physiology   Jumjum   406   Asked 8 years ago
What is MBCC?
What is MBCC?
MBCC is a specific type of skin cancer. It stands for Metastatic Basal Cell Carcinoma. The key part here is the metastatic nature of the cancer; in other words, its ability to spread throughout the body. Non-metastatic BCC cases are generally easily curable if they are diagnosed quickly and accurately. MBCC is often misdiagnosed or not diagnosed at all. As a result, the patient will
Anatomy and Physiology   kahnsg   691   Asked 12 years ago
The effect of stimulus frequency on skeletal muscle contraction
The effect of stimulus frequency on skeletal muscle contraction
 Compare and contrast frequency-dependent wave summation with motor unit recruitment{previously observed by increasing the stimulus voltage}. How are they similiar? How was each achieved in the experiment? Explain how each is achieved in vivo
Anatomy and Physiology   kalabra   2666   Asked 12 years ago
PhysioEx 9 Endocrine System
PhysioEx 9 Endocrine System
Which hormone type steroid or non steroid would be best suited for a faster,larger scale,but quickly declining response? Explain why.
Anatomy and Physiology   kalabra   2182   Asked 12 years ago
The Ashley Treatment.
The Ashley Treatment.
Based on current study of the endocrine system describe how and to what affect The Ashley Treatment manipulates endocrine physiology. What are the moral implications of such a treatment?
Anatomy and Physiology   kalabra   955   Asked 12 years ago
Osteogenesis imperfecta is a congenital condition in which collagen sythesis is defective. Of these 4 bone types long bones, short bones, flat bones, and irregular bones which is the most similar to the bones in osteogenesis imperfecta? what symptoms would you expect to find in this disease?  Neutral Face
Anatomy and Physiology   kayla.perez   1055   Asked 12 years ago
Effect of anesthesia on skeletal muscle contraction
Effect of anesthesia on skeletal muscle contraction
Similar types of potassium channels are found in skeletal muscle cell (plasma) membranes. Predict the effect of general anesthesia on Kevin's skeletal muscle contraction during surgery.
Anatomy and Physiology   kayla2196   1466   Asked 8 years ago
Accident injuries
Accident injuries
After a serious automobile accident, a man suffers from emotional instability, poor appetite, and alternating chills and fever.  His memory and muscle control seem normal.  As students in a medical school, you and your peers must diagnose his illness.  One student suggests that the patient has a hormonal imbalance due to a damaged gland.  Another argues that the
Anatomy and Physiology   Kielash   579   Asked 10 years ago
PhysioEx 9 ex9 post lab quiz a-d answers act 5
PhysioEx 9 ex9 post lab quiz a-d answers act 5
Part A
As the number of glucose carriers increased, the concentration of glucose in the _______.
distal tubule increased and bladder decreased
bladder decreased
 Slight Smile  distal tubule decreased and bladder decreased
distal tubule increased
distal tubule decreased
Part B
At which concentration of gluc
Anatomy and Physiology   kissingdrop   2280   Asked 11 years ago
PhysioEx 9 ex9 post lab quiz a-d answers act 6
PhysioEx 9 ex9 post lab quiz a-d answers act 6
Part A
The addition of aldosterone _______.
increased the urine volume
 Slight Smile decreased the urine volume
decreased the urine volume to zero
resulted in no change in urine volume
Part B
With ADH added but in the absence of aldosterone, _______.
the potassium concentration decreased and urine volume decrea
Anatomy and Physiology   kissingdrop   4415   Asked 11 years ago
Does anybody have the answers for Exercise 7 Respiratory System Mechanics?
Does anybody have the answers for Exercise 7 Respiratory System Mechanics?
I would really appreciate your help. i have the worst cold right now: ( Thank you.
Anatomy and Physiology   levi   2737   Asked 12 years ago
One client, “A” has low heart rate and low stroke volume. The other client, “B”
One client, “A” has low heart rate and low stroke volume. The other client, “B”
One client, “A” has low heart rate and low stroke volume.  The other client, “B” has high heart rate and high stroke volume.  Which client has the greater venous return? 
Anatomy and Physiology   lg   627   Asked 10 years ago
9. Blood flow in the kidneys starts in the ___________________ _ artery to the e
9. Blood flow in the kidneys starts in the ___________________ _ artery to the e
9. Blood flow in the kidneys starts in the ___________________ _ artery to the entire kidney. Blood flow
to each nephron is through the ________________ _____________ ; the ball of capillaries in the
nephron is the ___________________ _, and the ___________________ _ arteriole drains the nephron.
The ___________________ _ __________ drains blood from the kidney.
Anatomy and Physiology   Lissa   2854   Asked 12 years ago
The parts of the ________________ ______________ are: the balloon-like _________
The parts of the ________________ ______________ are: the balloon-like _________
i need help plz  :sThe parts of the ________________ ______________ are:
the balloon-like ______________ __________, which captures filtrate from the glomerulus;
the ____________________ ____________________ __________, which reabsorbs most materials;
the __________ of __________ , which reabsorbs water and salt, making the urine more dilute; and
the _______
Anatomy and Physiology   Lissa   1959   Asked 12 years ago
ABO antibodies are said to be “preformed”, whereas, Rh antibodies are not.
ABO antibodies are said to be “preformed”, whereas, Rh antibodies are not.
ABO antibodies are said to be “preformed”, whereas, Rh antibodies are not. What is the significance of this difference?
Anatomy and Physiology   love1995   337   Asked 9 years ago
Hyporeflexia, Inhibiting SNS and Mimicking SNS
Hyporeflexia, Inhibiting SNS and Mimicking SNS

1, Sometimes the reflex response is dminished or absent, a phenomenon termed hyporeflexi. Do you think hyporeflexia would be caused by disoreder of centeral nervous system of the peripheral nervous system?

2. Drugs used to treat hypertension often work by blocking different components of the SNS. Expalian how inhibiting the SNS may act to lower blood pressure.
Anatomy and Physiology   lovelyspams   2433   Asked 10 years ago
Purpose of Thyroid Cell Structure?
Purpose of Thyroid Cell Structure?
The question is: Why there should be multiple "tubular structures in thyroid tissue."
So not what all the structures are but why they are shaped this way and what purpose it serves.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! Slight Smile

Anatomy and Physiology   luckyponygirl   531   Asked 10 years ago
List histology tissue you go through from this list from outer to inner in order
List histology tissue you go through from this list from outer to inner in order
I am stuck on this, new to A&P.  Instructor said we need to list the tissues that a needle would go through from outer layer to inside layer from skin to scapula in order of their penetration through the layers.  It is for extra credit, and with a condensed course of 16 weeks, into 6 weeks, I certainly could use it.  He said the only help he would give us is that
Anatomy and Physiology   lucyshopechest   828   Asked 8 years ago
True or False is Na and K ion channels located on the presynaptic neuron
True or False is Na and K ion channels located on the presynaptic neuron
true or false during the transmission of signal through the spinal nerve plexus, the connection from a sensory neuron to a motor neuron is usually made by one or more neurons known as interneuron or association neuron ?
Anatomy and Physiology   lynn28   230   Asked 8 years ago
True or false question on neurons
True or false question on neurons
during the transmission of signal through the spinal nerve plexus, the connection from a sensory neuron to a motor neuron is usually made by one or more neurons known as interneuron or association neuron ?
Anatomy and Physiology   lynn28   204   Asked 8 years ago
All somatic motor fiber/ neurons from the neck downwards exit from a region of gray matter of the sp
All somatic motor fiber/ neurons from the neck downwards exit from a region of gray matter of the sp
All somatic motor fiber/ neurons from the neck downwards exit from a region of gray matter of the spinal cord called the dorsal horn via the dorsal or posterior root

A) True
B) False
Anatomy and Physiology   lynn28   525   Asked 8 years ago
At the presynaptic terminal, the arrival of impulse at the synaptic knobs and prior to the release o
At the presynaptic terminal, the arrival of impulse at the synaptic knobs and prior to the release o
At the presynaptic terminal, the arrival of impulse at the synaptic knobs and prior to the release of neurotransmitter is associated with the influx of which one of the following ions into the presynaptic terminal.

A) Na+
B) Mg+2
C) K+
D) Ca+2
Anatomy and Physiology   lynn28   338   Asked 8 years ago
anatomy and physiology questions need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anatomy and physiology questions need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1.) what would happen if a skeletal muscle were fully contracted and calcium was completely removed from the muscle cell in an infant?

2.) if a person is given a drug that interferes with the action of acetylcholinesteras e at the terminal synapses, what would be an affect?

3.)the following experiments were performed on a single unit smooth muscle in the
Anatomy and Physiology   mandy!   490   Asked 11 years ago
capillary and cardiac output questions need help??
capillary and cardiac output questions need help??
1.) how could u force more fluid from the capillaries into the tissues(that increases the volume of intestitial fluid)?

2.)what would not result in the dialation of the arterioles in a continuous capillary bed??

3.)select the correct statement:
    a.) the more the heart muscle is streched, the lower the cardiac output
Anatomy and Physiology   mandy!   393   Asked 10 years ago
If water entered a pig's nares, which opening in the oral cavity would it exit
If water entered a pig's nares, which opening in the oral cavity would it exit
If water entered a pig's nares, which opening in the oral cavity would it exit through.

Thanks for the help!
Anatomy and Physiology   Marc_Ase   2985   Asked 8 years ago
Please use the information from the slide samples to match the patient with their correct blood ...
Please use the information from the slide samples to match the patient with their correct blood ...
1. Please use the information from the slide samples to match the patient with their correct blood type.
·  Remember that an Anti-A sera will clump with A anitgens on the RBC and likewise for other blood types. To ensure success on this question use your textbook to make a chart showing the type of antigen and anitbody in each blood type. The anti-sera is meant
Anatomy and Physiology   markenkenmakenk   1079   Asked 7 years ago
A 30 year old man, a mechanic by profession came to the emergency department complaining of generali
A 30 year old man, a mechanic by profession came to the emergency department complaining of generali
A 30 year old man, a mechanic by profession came to the emergency department complaining of generalized body rigidity of two days duration. He has no Hx of fever, shortness of breath or cough.
On physical examination Vital signs are with in normal limit.
He is in opisthothonic position, he has torticolis and the deep tendon reflexes are exaggerated.
He is also foun
Anatomy and Physiology   mary   1161   Asked 13 years ago
Can someone help solve exercise 4 and 8 Thanks
Can someone help solve exercise 4 and 8 Thanks
Do anyone have the answer to: EXERCISE 4.....Dissection of the Blood Vessels and Main Lymphatic Ducts of the Fetal Pig.

Exercise 8: Dissection of the Reproduction System of the Fetal Pig........Thanks
Anatomy and Physiology   maryab   328   Asked 9 years ago
african illness, trypanosomiasis
african illness, trypanosomiasis
Part I – Sub-Saharan Safari
A 51-year-old man named Robert Bragg reported to a hospital in the United Kingdom complaining of general malaise
(discomfort), myalgia (muscle pain), fevers, headache, vomiting, and diarrhea. He complained that during the day he
felt weak and tired; he was unsure if this was because his symptoms kept him awake at night, or if something el
Anatomy and Physiology   matinjanin   2980   Asked 9 years ago
1.   Which of the following processes does not occur during inspiration?
   c. inspiratory muscles relax
2.   During normal quiet breathing, about ______ ml of air moves into and out of the lungs with each breath.
   B. 500
3.   True or False:  At the beginning of expiration, the air pressure of the atmosphere decreases so that air can flow from the lungs outward.    tr
Anatomy and Physiology   mattman   4203   Asked 12 years ago
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