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emeraldisle emeraldisle
Posts: 329
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6 years ago
President Dwight D. Eisenhowers term for Republican Party acceptance of social security, unemployment insurance, labor laws, farm programs, and other features of the welfare state was
  a. communism.
  b. Democratic-Republicanism.
  c. moderate Republicanism.
  d. liberal conservatism.
  e. modern Republicanism.

Question -2-

Compared to Roosevelt and his New Deal, Trumans social programs were
  a. less concerned with social and economic needs of the people.
  b. less successful in Congress.
  c. more conservative in their view of the governments moral obligations.
  d. more focused on wealthy Americans and big business.
  e. more successful in Congress.

Question -3-

The federal government funded slum clearance and urban redevelopment as a part of the
  a. GI Bill.
  b. Greenspan Commission.
  c. Housing Act of 1949.
  d. Medicare program.
  e. Temporary Assistance to Needy Families program.

Question -4-

The name for President Harry S. Trumans social programs, especially his proposal for national health insurance, is the
  a. Fair Deal.
  b. Great Awakening.
  c. Great Society.
  d. New Deal.
  e. Redistribution Program.

Question -5-

One result of the Servicemens Readjustment Act was that
  a. Aid to Families with Dependent Children was replaced by Temporary Assistance to Needy Families.
  b. payroll taxes increased to pay for Social Security benefits.
  c. the military no longer required men to sign up for the draft.
  d. Medicare costs tripled within five years.
  e. many schools increased in size and new schools were established.
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