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India_3955 India_3955
Posts: 355
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6 years ago
Which of the following statements about laws is least accurate?
 A) People in accounting and finance should be aware of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
  B) Anything published on the Internet is in the public domain and can be used freely.
  C) Assume that anything produced privately after 1989 is copyrighted.
  D) The concept of fair use gives individuals limited rights to use copyrighted materials without requiring permission.

Ques. 2

Which of the following is true of the selection of a channel of communication?
 A) If a message is straightforward and informative, a technological communication channel is inappropriate.
  B) Before choosing a communication channel, it should be determined whether a permanent record of a message is needed or if a temporary form would suffice.
  C) Employees that are floors apart or in different offices or time zones cannot benefit from email and Web communications.
  D) Personal interaction cannot replace written communication, printed or online, which is essential in today's team-based work environments.

Ques. 3

Covering up incidents, abusing sick days, lying to a supervisor, taking credit for a colleague's ideas, and inflating grades on a rsum are examples of ________.
 A) breaking the law
  B) protecting your professional brand
  C) unethical actions
  D) workplace distrust

Ques. 4

SCENARIO-BASED QUESTIONS Communicating Concisely Using A Positive Language  Tom is the general manager at Glorious Solutions, a content development company. He was impressed with Stephanie's work and considered promoting her to the position of team leader. To judge her leadership qualities, Tom decided to ask Stephanie to handle a sensitive issue at work and see how she performs. Tom wanted her to handle the case of Alan, a proofreader in the same company, who was on uninformed leave for two weeks. He asked Stephanie to send an email issuing Alan an ultimatum. Stephanie was not used to such situations and did not know how to handle it. She sought James's help. James is a team leader at Enumerations Corp, a multinational corporation, and a close friend of Stephanie. Being a team leader, James is used to handling such sensitive issues in a constructive manner. Discuss in detail the suggestions James made to Stephanie to reduce the sting from the sensitive message.

Ques. 5

Which of the following statements about formal and informal communication channels is most accurate?
 A) All relevant organizational information should flow through formal communication channels.
  B) A free exchange of information within organizations should be avoided because it can lead to chaos.
  C) Managers should do everything possible to avoid grapevine communication within an organization.
  D) Companies should monitor social media sites to see what customers and others are saying about the company.

Ques. 6

SCENARIO-BASED QUESTIONS Revise For Visual Enhancements  Revise the following paragraph to add appropriate visual enhancements, such as enumerations or bullets, headings, tables or graphs, and so forth.  TO: John Henry, Personnel Director  FROM: Lena Rose, Vice President  DATE: xxx  SUBJECT: EMPLOYEE COMMUNICATION  You will recall the recent telephone survey we conducted on over 200 employees from the past five years to determine why so many of our workers leave our firm to take jobs elsewhere. The analysis of the data gathered on employee terminations has been completed. Our investigation resulted in two findings that are particularly noteworthy. Most workers who leave our firm to work elsewhere do not leave because they believe they are poorly paid. Their primary complaint is that they did not have satisfactory working relationships with their supervisors while working for us. The need for better communication throughout our work force is clear. Accordingly, the following steps will be taken to meet this important need. All supervisors will interview their subordinates once each quarter rather than once each year, as in the past. Also, seminars in management communication skills will be provided for all supervisors and department heads to help them develop more effective communication techniques. We believe these efforts will open channels of communication among our employees and eliminate most of the frustration revealed by former workers in our recent survey. We have also designated an employee relations officer to personally deal with worker complaints of a particularly serious nature. Also, those who come up with ways to improve communication will be rewarded in the form of incentives. Finally, a company newsletter will be published monthly to provide an opportunity for employees to express their views publicly and to improve the flow of information throughout the firm. Appointments to the newsletter staff will be announced shortly. These changes will go into effect on July 1 and will be officially announced to all employees next week. We believe these initiatives will be effective in our efforts to improve communication among employees, upgrade worker morale, and reduce the firm's costly and disruptive employee turnover problems. We will need your support as well as that of other first-level officers if the desired results are to be obtained in this undertaking. Feel free to make suggestions or recommendations that you believe may be helpful. We are hopeful that these changes will be well received by employees at all levels.
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6 years ago
Answer to #1


Answer to #2


Answer to #3


Answer to #4

Projecting a Positive, Tactful Tone

TO: Stephanie, Glorious Solutions

FROM: James, Enumerations Corp

DATE: xxx


You should present your main points using a positive language. Rely mainly on positive words: words that speak of what can be done instead of what cannot be done, of the pleasant instead of the unpleasant. Avoid referring to Alan in second person when stating negative ideas. Use second person for presenting pleasant ideas and third person for presenting unpleasant ideas.
I would also suggest that you use passive voice to convey negative ideas. Presenting unpleasant thoughts emphatically would make it difficult for you to maintain a professional relationship with Alan in the future. However, you could continue using active voice to promote positive ideas. Just as emphasis on negatives hinders human relations, emphasis on positives promotes human relations.
As this is a sensitive issue, you could improve the tone of the email by using subjunctive mood. Subjunctive mood often includes a reason that makes the negative idea seem less objectionable and thus improves the tone. Tone is important, but clarity is even more important.

Answer to #5


Answer to #6

Answers may vary. The following is one example.
TO: John Henry, Personnel Director

FROM: Lena Rose, Vice President

DATE: Current


We have completed the analysis of the data gathered recently on employee terminations. The results provide direction to help reverse the trend.

Research Methods

Over 200 former employees from the past five years were surveyed over telephone to determine why they chose to work elsewhere.

Survey Findings

Two particularly significant findings resulted from our survey:

- Poor worker/supervisor communication is a serious problem.

- Inadequate pay is not a major cause of employee turnover.

Actions to be Taken

The Executive Committee has agreed that five steps must be taken immediately to reduce employee frustration and worker turnover. Accordingly, the following actions will be implemented from July 1.

a. Supervisor/worker interviews will be held quarterly.

b. Training in management communication skills will be offered to all supervisors and department heads.

c. An employee relations officer will be designated to personally handle all serious worker complaints.

d. A newsletter will be published monthly to give employees a public voice in company affairs.

e. An incentives program will reward workers at all levels who identify effective ways to improve communication.

These initiatives will be effective, we believe, in strengthening employee morale and reducing costly and disruptive employee turnover problems in our firm. We request your strong support.
India_3955 Author
6 years ago
Great answers! <3
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