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ahsan123 ahsan123
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10 years ago
DNA is transcribed to messenger RNA (mRNA), and the mRNA is translated to proteins on the ribosomes. A sequence of three nucleotides on an mRNA molecule is called a codon. As you can see in the table, most codons specify a particular amino acid to be added to the growing protein chain. In addition, one codon (shown in blue) codes for the amino acid methionine and functions as a “start” signal. Three codons (shown in red) do not code for amino acids, but instead function as “stop” signals.
Part A - Understanding the genetic code
Use the table to sort the following ten codons into one of the three bins, according to whether they code for a start codon, an in-sequence amino acid, or a stop codon.
Drag each item to the appropriate bin.

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ahsan123 Author
10 years ago
Hey Padre,

Thanks for the information. I am new to this subject. an have taken an online class. do you or anyone else know of any resource on the web where I can learn this esp the GEn Bio 1 and 2.

Thanks again,
Staff Member
10 years ago

If you have specific concepts you need to brush up on, I can give you resources. What did you have in mind?

By the way, did that answer your question? B/c I marked it as solved.
Mastering in Nutritional Biology
Tralalalala Slight Smile
10 years ago
Thank you so much for the answer! This helped me so much!  Smiling Face with Open Mouth
9 years ago
thank you, you saved my whole life!
9 years ago
thank you
9 years ago
Thank you very much very helpful
9 years ago
9 years ago
thak you
9 years ago
thank youu
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