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Desolo Desolo
Posts: 11831
10 years ago
Michael wanted to build a small princess castle for his daughter in the backyard. He decided to turn it into a do-it-yourself project, so he bought the disassembled parts of the castle from Big Ben Forts, Inc. However, after the purchase he found that the manual provided by the company gave vague directions that were hard to understand. He built the castle by following the manual, but after a few days the castle collapsed and injured his daughter who was playing inside. Which of the following actions can Michael take in this situation?
A) He can file a negligence lawsuit against the store from which he bought the castle.
B) He can file a strict liability lawsuit against Big Ben Forts for failure to warn about the possible dangers of the product.
C) He can file a strict liability lawsuit against Big Ben Forts for failure to provide adequate instructions on assembling the product.
D) He can sue Big Ben Forts for defects in the packaging of their products.

This is for my business law class, anything will help
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