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tiffany123 tiffany123
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10 years ago
i am struggling to remember everything and i'm wondering if I am the only one or others have found the topic difficult to soak in.
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10 years ago
It's a ton of memorization. Unfortunately, you forget it the very next day.
10 years ago
I myself haven't taken human anatomy yet (its a 300 level course at my university and i wont be touching it for a long time) but I have a cousin who did. To put things into perspective, she was a straight A student (minus first semester of gen bio and orgo 2 in which she received B's, but these classes are very difficult at our university). She got a C+ in anatomy the worst grade of her college career; it wasn't immunology, virology, biochemistry, or physical chemistry that knocked her down a peg, it was anatomy. So don't feel bad if you're not "soaking in" all of the information, its a lot to take in. My suggestion is that if you don't already, study every day and start off by reviewing what you learned the day before. There are no shortcuts to memorization, just sit down, study, and don't leave things to the last second (your brain can only retain so much information in a short amount of time).
10 years ago
I'm not quite sure about your question. If you're referring to memorization or you just want to remember what you study. Anyway, either of the two. In my point of view, you don't have to memorize what you study. All you need to do is to focus and understand what you study; then you will remember what you study eventually.
10 years ago
. In my point of view, you don't have to memorize what you study. All you need to do is to focus and understand what you study; then you will remember what you study eventually.

well A&P is hard, lots of memorization, but yeah once you figure out what it is and what its for, even the name sometimes tells you exactly what you need to know.
just this random person
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9 years ago
Anatomy is an intense subject, whether taken the regular school year or during a summer session. It's a lot of repetition, memorization, and recalling what you studied. I took Anatomy and Physiology 1 and 2 last summer so it was even more intense since the material was condensed into a shorter amount of time. Let me know if you need any help. I have full faith in you, and I want to support you in any way I can!
If you are reading this, you are awesome, and I wish you a happy and prosperous day!
9 years ago
I'm going to take Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 in the fall semester and I'm anxious to take it, one of the things I excel at is memorization. 
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9 years ago
not hard just lots to memorize
9 years ago
It gets easier. One thing that helped me was listening to lectures. It's a very visual topic, and if you're partly an auditory learner, most are, it's easy to forget to incorporate into study. Try podcasts. Also good cause you can walk, run or drive and listen. Hope that helps.

9 years ago
It's not hard. You just have to eat, breath, and sleep it to memorize it. No critical thinking involved.

AP2 gets easier because you star to get into systems and concepts.

AP is just one of those subjects that you have to constantly review.

"If you don't use it, you lose it"
Life life like it's your last day
9 years ago
Yes, I definitely feel it was the most challenging class I've taken.  I have a minor in Biology (no big whoop) but I avoided taking it in my undergrad because it was just tooooo much. I'm trying to get my RN now and I just finished with AP 2, I got A- s in both classes but it was by the skin of my teeth.

Hang in there, like others said-- It's alot of memorization and, at least for me, I don't remember much.  My theory is that unless you have a photographic memory or.... you're constantly studying there's no way to remember it all.

Best of Luck
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