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Brittany9611 Brittany9611
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9 years ago
The authors of the text argue that the Roman Republic grew out of a set of values shared by Romans and social conflict between two classes of Romans - Patricians and Plebeians. What values unified Romans and how did social conflict between Plebeians and Patricians produce their republic?. What in this historical process that can help us understand the current republic in the US? To answer this question:

1. Discuss the values that Romans shared. Focus on Virtue and Faithfulness. (Consider how these values were expressed by Roman soldiers, by Lucretia, and by the Roman men and Sabine women.)

2. Discuss the social conflict between Patricians and Plebeians and how it shaped the Republic. Be sure to mention the Twleve Tables and the institutions like consuls and tribunes that made up the Republic.

3. Draw conclusions that answer the question.
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9 years ago
2. Discuss the social conflict between Patricians and Plebeians and how it shaped the Republic. Be sure to mention the Twleve Tables and the institutions like consuls and tribunes that made up the Republic.

I'm actually learning this in history class right now.

This is how is learn/see it: The Patricians were aristocratic born and the Plebeians were all of the other citizens. Most Patricians who were into politics and government were of the Consul or of the Senate which pretty much ruled over everything. The Plebeians were of the Tribunes which was a group of guys(plebeians) who wanted to look out for the little guys of their group in case the Patricians oppressed them or anything.

I think the Patricians were prideful and thought more highly of themselves than the plebeians and the plebeians grew to resent that.
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