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biolove biolove
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13 years ago Edited: 13 years ago, bio_man
Answers are attached Slight Smile

1. greatest likelihood of fossilization in sedimentary rock?

I. The species was abundant.
II. The species was widespread.
III. The species had hard body parts.
IV. The species was adapted to desert life.
V. The species had a long duration in geologic time.
A) III only
B) III and IV
C) I, II, and III
D) I, II, and V
E) I, II, III, and V

2) Some molecular data place the giant panda in the bear family (Ursidae) but place
the lesser panda in the raccoon family (Procyonidae). The morphological similarities
of these two species must therefore be due to
A) inheritance of acquired characteristics.
B) sexual selection.
C) inheritance of shared derived characters.
D) convergent evolution.
E) possession of shared primitive characters.

3) Generally, within a lineage, the largest number of shared derived characters
should be found among two organisms that are members of the same
A) kingdom.
B) class.
C) domain.
D) genus.
E) order.

Use Figure 1 to answer questions 4-6.

Choose the adaptation below that best meets each particular challenge for life on
land. Choices may be used once, more than once, or not at all.
A. pollen
B. tracheids and phloem
C. secondary compounds
D. cuticle
E. alternation of generations

12) reproduction away from water A

13) protection from desiccation D

14) transport of water, minerals, and nutrients B

15) Which event during the evolution of land plants probably made the synthesis of
secondary compounds most beneficial?

A) the greenhouse effect present throughout the Devonian period
B) the reverse-greenhouse effect during the Carboniferous period
C) the association of the roots of land plants with fungi
D) the rise of herbivory
E) the rise of wind pollination

16) Plant spores give rise directly to
A) sporophytes.
B) gametes.
C) gametophytes.
D) sporophylls.
E) seeds.

17) The following are all true about the life cycle of mosses except
A) external water is required for fertilization.
B) flagellated sperm are produced.
C) antheridia and archegonia are produced by gametophytes.
D) gametes are directly produced by meiosis.
E) gametophytes germinate from spores.

18) Bryophytes never formed forests (mats maybe, but not forests) because
A) they possess flagellated sperms.
B) not all are heterosporous.
C) they lack lignified vascular tissue.
D) they have no adaptations to prevent desiccation.
E) the sporophyte is too weak.

19) If a fern gametophyte is a hermaphrodite (that is, has both male and female
gametangia on the same plant), then it
A) belongs to a species that is homosporous.
B) must be diploid.
C) has lost the need for a sporophyte generation.
D) has antheridia and archegonia combined into a single sex organ.
E) is a mutant, because fern gametophytes are always either male or female.

20) Which of the following is an ongoing trend in the evolution of land plants?
A) decrease in the size of the leaf
B) reduction of the gametophyte phase of the life cycle
C) elimination of sperm cells or sperm nuclei
D) increasing reliance on water to bring sperm and egg together
E) replacement of roots by rhizoids

21) Plants with a dominant sporophyte are successful on land partly because
A) having no stomata, they lose less water.
B) they all disperse by means of seeds.
C) diploid plants experience more mutations than do haploid plants.
D) their gametophytes are protected by, and obtain nutrition from, the
E) eggs and sperm need not be produced.

22) Which of the following most closely represents the male gametophyte of seedbearing
A) ovule
B) megaspore mother cell
C) pollen grain
D) embryo sac
E) fertilized egg

23) Which of these is most important in making the typical seed more resistant to
adverse conditions than the typical spore?
A) a different type of sporopollenin
B) an internal reservoir of liquid water
C) integument(s)
D) ability to be dispersed
E) waxy cuticle

24) Gymnosperms differ from both extinct and extant ferns because they
A) are all woody.
B) have macrophylls.
C) have pollen.
D) have sporophylls.
E) have spores.

25) Which of the following statement is not generally true of the pine life cycle?
A) Cones are short stems with spore-bearing, leaflike structures.
B) The pine tree is a sporophyte.
C) Male and female gametophytes are in close proximity during fertilization.
D) Pollen grains are very different from pine male gametophytes.
E) Double fertilization is a relatively rare phenomenon.

26) Before pollination occurs, what does an individual flower potentially have that an
individual pine cone does not have?
A) sporophylls
B) both male and female gametophytes
C) sporangia
D) structures for dispersing seed or pollen grains
E) spore mother cells

27) A botanist discovers a new species of land plant with a dominant sporophyte,
chlorophylls a and b, and a cell wall made of cellulose. In assigning this plant to a
phylum, all of the following would provide useful information except whether or not
the plant has
A) endosperm.
B) seeds.
C) flagellated sperm.
D) flowers.
E) spores.

28) In flowering plants, meiosis occurs specifically in the
A) spore mother cells.
B) gametophytes.
C) endosperm.
D) gametes.
E) embryos.

29) Which of the following flower parts develops into a fruit?
A) stigma
B) style
C) ovule
D) ovary
E) receptacle

30) Which of the following do all fungi have in common?
A) meiosis in basidia
B) coenocytic hyphae
C) sexual life cycle
D) absorption of nutrients
E) symbioses with algae

31) If all saprobic fungi in an environment were to suddenly die, which group of
organisms should benefit as a whole?
A) plants
B) protists
C) bacteria
D) animals
E) mutualistic fungi

32) Which of the following is not a characteristic of hyphate fungi (fungi featuring
A) They acquire their nutrients by absorption.
B) Their body plan is a netlike mass of filaments called a mycelium.
C) Their cell walls consist mainly of cellulose microfibrils.
D) They may be saprobes, parasites, or mutualistic symbionts.
E) The nuclei of the mycelia are typically haploid.

33) What do fungi and arthropods have in common?
A) Both groups are commonly coenocytic.
B) The haploid state is dominant in both groups.
C) Both groups are predominantly saprobic in nutrition.
D) The protective coats of both groups are
E) Both groups have cell walls.

34) The vegetative (nutritionally active) bodies of most fungi are
A) composed of hyphae.
B) referred to as a mycelium.
C) usually underground.
D) A and B only
E) A, B, and C
35) Which of the following statements is true of deuteromycetes?
A) They are the second of five fungal phyla to have evolved.
B) They represent the phylum in which all the fungal components of lichens are
C) They are the group of fungi that have, at present, no known sexual stage.
D) They are the group that includes molds, yeasts, and lichens.
E) They include the imperfect fungi that lack hyphae.

36) Which of the following characteristics is not shared by both chytrids and other
kinds of fungi?
A) flagellated zoospores
B) presence of hyphae
C) absorptive mode of nutrition
D) amino acid base sequences of some enzymes
E) chitinous cell walls

37) The gray-black filamentous mycelium growing on bread is most likely what kind
of organism?
A) chytrid
B) ascomycete
C) basidiomycete
D) deuteromycete
E) zygomycete

38) The ascomycetes get their name from which aspect of their life cycle?
A) vegetative growth form
B) asexual spore production
C) sexual structures
D) shape of the spore
E) type of vegetative mycelium

39) Lichens sometimes reproduce asexually using
A) aseptate fungal hyphae located within photosynthetic cells.
B) the fruiting bodies of fungi.
C) flagellated, conjoined spores of both the fungus and alga.
D) specialized conidiophores.
E) soredia, small clusters of fungal hyphae surrounding photosynthetic

40) Symbiosis is the living together in permanent or prolonged close association of
two different species, with either beneficial or deleterious consequences for at least
one of the parties involved. Which one of the terms below does not refer to symbiotic
relationships that involve fungi
A) pathogens.
B) mycoses.
C) spore production.
D) lichens.
E) mycorrhizae.
Bonus Questions

41) Following a cataclysmic event where the Earth's surface would be completely
schorched it has been speculated that life could survive
A) in water droplets suspended in the atmosphere.
B) in the "Goldilocks" layer a few kilometres below the Earth's crust.
C) as extreme thermophilic bacteria on the surface.
D) in the deepest oceans.

42) In what way were conditions on Earth more than 2 billion years ago different
from those on Earth today?
A) The early Earth had water vapour in its atmosphere.
B) The early Earth was intensely bombarded by large space debris.
C) The early Earth had an oxidizing atmosphere.
D) Less ultraviolet radiation penetrated the early atmosphere.

43) The ancestors of which free-living cells were the earliest autotrophs to
contribute to the formation of the Earth's oxidizing atmosphere?
A) cyanobacteria
B) chloroplasts
C) mitochondria
D) seaweeds
E) ebdosymbionts

44) Recent evidence indicates that the first major diversification of multicellular
eukaryotes may have coincided in time with the
A) origins of prokaryotes.
B) switch to an oxidizing atmosphere.
C) melting that ended the "snowball Earth" period.
D) origin of multicellular organisms.
E) massive eruptions in deep-sea vents.

45) Assuming total ice cover, which of these would have been the most likely for the
oxygenic photosynthesizers to have survived snowball Earth?
A) deep-sea vents.
B) shallow alpine lakes.
C) at mid-depth in oceans.
D) in close association with surface thermal vents.

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