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santielvira98 santielvira98
Posts: 1047
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6 years ago
What factors influence cervical dilation? (Choose all that apply.)
  1. Strong uterine contractions
  2. The force of the presenting fetal part against the cervix
  3. The size of the female
  4. The pressure applied by the amniotic sac
  5. Scarring of the cervix
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6 years ago
1, 2, 4, 5.
1, 2, 4, 5. Correct. Dilation of the cervix occurs by the drawing upward of the musculofibrous components of the cervix, caused by strong uterine contractions. Pressure exerted by the amniotic fluid while the membranes are intact or by the force applied by the presenting part also can promote cervical dilation. Scarring of the cervix as a result of prior infection or surgery may slow cervical dilation.
3. Incorrect. Pelvis size does not affect cervical dilation.
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