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Lissa Lissa
Posts: 42
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12 years ago
Simulating Glomerular Filtration
The following questions refer to Activity 1: Investigating the Effect of Flow Tube Radius on Glomerular Filtration.
1. Describe the effect of increasing the afferent radius on glomerular filtration rate and glomerular pressure.
2. Describe the effect of decreasing the efferent radius on glomerular filtration rate and glomerular pressure.
3. Describe the effect of increasing the efferent radius on glomerular filtration rate and glomerular pressure.

The following questions refer to Activity 2: Studying the Effect of Pressure on Glomerular Filtration.
4. Describe the effect of increasing the beaker pressure on glomerular filtration rate.
5. Describe the effect of increasing the beaker pressure on glomerular pressure.
6. In the absence of any regulatory mechanisms, what effect do you think an increase in blood pressure would have on glomerular filtration rate?

The following questions refer to Activity 3: Exploring Intrinsic Controls: Renal Autoregulation.
7. What was the glomerular filtration rate at 80 mm Hg beaker pressure, 0.55 mm afferent radius, and 0.45 mm efferent radius?
8. With the beaker pressure increased to 85 mm Hg, at what afferent radius was the glomerular filtration rate in question 7 restored?
9. With the beaker pressure increased to 85 mm Hg, at what efferent radius was the glomerular filtration rate in question 7 restored?
10. In the body, what mechanisms play a role in maintaining glomerular filtration rate with fluctuating blood pressure?

Simulating Urine Formation
The following questions refer to Activity 4: Exploring the Role of the Solute Gradient on Maximum Urine Concentration Achievable.
11. As you increased the concentration gradient of the interstitial fluid, what happened to the concentration of the urine?
12. What happened to the volume of the urine as you increased the concentration gradient of the interstitial fluid?
13. What effect does the concentration gradient of the interstitial fluid have on the maximum urine concentration?

The following questions refer to Activity 5: Studying the Effect of Glucose Carrier Proteins on Glucose Reabsorption.

14. What happens to the concentration of glucose in the urine as the number of glucose carriers increases?
15. Glucose can be elevated in the blood of a diabetic person. Relate this information to glucose in the urine and glucose carriers.
The following questions refer to Activity 6: Testing the Effects of Hormones on Urine Formation.

16. What was the volume of urine in the presence of aldosterone? How did aldosterone affect the urine volume?
17. What happened to the concentration of potassium in the urine in the presence of aldosterone?
18. What was the volume of the urine in the presence of ADH? How did ADH affect the urine volume?
19. Why did the concentration of potassium change in the presence of ADH without a change in the excretion of potassium?
20. Does ADH favor the formation of dilute or concentrated urine? Explain.
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Staff Member
12 years ago
20. Does ADH favor the formation of dilute or concentrated urine? Explain.

An increase in body fluid osmolarity will stimulate the release of more ADH. ADH favors dilute urine.
- Master of Science in Biology
- Bachelor of Science
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