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Andrea171989 Andrea171989
Posts: 33
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9 years ago
Frank Carpenter, who runs a charity organization, has been faking his father's signature on his father's personal checks and writing them in favor of the charity as donations. He gets hold of the checks from his father's personal assistant, Rhonda Mason, who is also Frank's friend and his charity's trustee. After faking the signature, Frank gives the checks to Ronda who is then trusted to deposit the check. But unbeknownst to Frank, Rhonda routes some of the check money into her own personal account instead of using it for the charity. Frank's father, Dawson, came to realize that money was being withdrawn from his account without his consent. His suspicion fell on his estranged son, Frank, and in order to find out if Frank was involved, Dawson secretly offered money to the financial accountant of the charity to divulge the charity's financial dealings. The accountant accepted the money and gave whatever information Dawson required. It was clear to Dawson from the financial records of the charity that Frank has been swindling him of his money; he was also able to figure out that the charity itself was being swindled by somebody from within. With this information Dawson proceeded to file a suit against his son.

In the above scenario, what illegal activity did the financial accountant of the charity partake in?

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9 years ago
Mastering in Nutritional Biology
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Andrea171989 Author
9 years ago
I tried already that answer and it didnt work so well, thats why I place it in here to find out if I am wrong or if I am missing something.
Staff Member
9 years ago
I'm pretty sure it's that, I got it from the solutions manual, so I don't know. Maybe the solutions manual is wrong.
Mastering in Nutritional Biology
Tralalalala Slight Smile
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