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charlane charlane
Posts: 2
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9 years ago
2. You are given 180 mg of the following radioactively labeled carbohydrate, which contains a total of 3 μCi of 14C (14C = *). Draw the specific degradational pathway required to metabolize this molecule into a 3 Carbon subunit. Noting in this pathway we also incubated with a triose phosphate isomerase inhibitor (assume 100% inhibition). Include all intermediates, products, enzymes and reactants that are necessary to produce glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P) and dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP). Specifically label the radioactive position(s) in the final product(s) and account for all radioactivity observed as this starting compound progresses through the pathway. Finally, calculate the amount of moles of G3P and DHAP produced. (8 marks)
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