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fabulash fabulash
Posts: 454
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6 years ago
Which action by the nurse indicates placement in the unfreezing phase of Lewin's Change Theory?
  a. The nurse reconsiders what has caused themself to be resistant to change.
  b. The nurse begins the process of imple-menting change.
  c. The change has become routine.
  d. The change is permanent.

The nurse manager identifies which of the following as the most critical step in problem solving?
  a. Brainstorm all possible solutions. c. Evaluate possible solutions.
  b. Identify the prob-lem. d. Choose a solution.

Which of the following actions by the nurse manager would indicate an autocratic management style?
  a. Allows staff members to make most of the decisions
  b. Makes most of the decisions without input from the staff members
  c. Exerts little control over staff
  d. Emphasizes effective group functioning

A nurse manager has received a report that indicates the infection rate on the unit has gone up by 25 in the past month. The control phase of management requires that the nurse manager take action. What should the nurse manager do?
  a. Post the report for staff to read.
  b. Pull a couple of the nurses aside and dis-cuss the issue with them.
  c. Send an email out to the staff with infor-mation regarding upcoming infection prevention conference.
  d. Provide a mandatory handwashing in-service to all staff.
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6 years ago
Lewin's Change Theory consists of three phases: unfreezing, moving, and refreezing. In the un-freezing phase, the nurse reconsiders what has caused her to be resistant to change. In the moving phase, the nurse begins the process of implementing change. In the refreezing phase, the change has become a permanent, routine part of the nurse's life.

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The most critical step in the problem solving process is to identify the problem. Brainstorming solutions, evaluating possible solutions, and choosing a solution occur after the problem has been identified.

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The autocratic manager uses an authoritarian approach to direct the activities of others. This manager would make most of the decisions without input from the staff members. Allowing staff members to make most of the decisions and exerting little control over staff is a laissez-faire management style. Emphasizing effective group functioning is common for a democratic man-agement style.

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The nurse manager has a duty to implement and mandate interventions to reduce infection rates for her unit. Providing a mandatory handwashing in-service to all staff is the best way to do this and to ensure that every staff member is competent. The other options may be used in the process for the nurse manager to set up or reinforce the handwashing in-service program.
fabulash Author
6 years ago
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