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nr01404 nr01404
Posts: 465
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6 years ago
ALL BUT WHICH of the following likely make crisis diplomacy more difficult than regular diplomacy?
  A. Time constraints
  B. Higher stakes
  C. International pressures
  D. Lack of mutual trust
  E. Lack of channels of communication

Which of the following is a legal option a host government has for dealing with a foreign diplomat who has committed a crime?
  A. Kicking the diplomat out of the country
  B. Declaring the diplomat persona non grata
  C. Prosecuting the diplomat like anyone else
  D. Detaining the diplomat while appealing to his or her government
  E. Forcing the diplomat's government to prosecute him or her

The concept of extraterritoriality refers to the fact that:
  A. a country has to provide space for foreign governments to build embassies on.
  B. foreign governments are allowed to provide their own military protection for embassies.
  C. diplomats are immune from legal prosecution in their host countries.
  D. embassies are considered international territory.
  E. the embassy grounds are considered the sovereign territory of the foreign government.

Which of the following is NOT an example of foreign aid that diplomats can use as leverage with their host countries?
  A. Recognition of sovereignty
  B. Social grants
  C. Loans
  D. Trade preferences
  E. Military assistance

The highest-ranking position a diplomat can hold is called:
  A. consul
  B. consul general
  C. delegate
  D. ambassador
  E. charg
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