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hanbell795 hanbell795
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6 years ago
Which of the following statements is most accurate?
  a. There are many differences in educational arrangements among nations but few, if any, commonalities.
  b. The professional conditions that American teachers face are unique in the world.
  c. The United States is unique in its need to incorporate multicultural education in public schools.
  d. Despite great variety worldwide among nations, some educational problems and characteristics are virtually universal.

[Ques. 2] In a 2014 OECD ranking of countries for reading and math achievement among 15-year-olds, the United States placed:
  a. 1st
  b. 2nd
  c. 12th
  d. 15th

[Ques. 3] Which of the following is not an aspect of education that is shared by many nations in the world?
  a. decentralized organization
  b. strong relationships between students' social-class origins and their success in school
  c. the professional and classroom conditions that teachers face
  d. educational challenges posed by multicultural populations

[Ques. 4] Chapter 15 describes a number of characteristics of Japanese education that may account for the high achievement levels among Japan's youth, although we are not yet sure which of these characteristics are of crucial importance. Which three of the characteristics do you believe are most significant to Japan's high achievement levels? Describe the characteristics and explain why you think they are important. Can or should the United States try to copy Japan with regard to these characteristics? Be sure to give reasons for your position.
  What will be an ideal response?

[Ques. 5] Scholars have analyzed the findings of international studies of achievement to try to determine which, if any, aspects of instruction are associated with national performance levels in math. Identify the major conclusions of these analyses, and discuss the implications for improving mathematics performance in the United States.
  What will be an ideal response?

[Ques. 6] How might curriculum and instruction be changed to meet the needs of the increasing number of immigrants in the United States?
  What will be an ideal response?

[Ques. 7] Compare the subject-centered and student-centered curriculum. In what ways are they similar?
  What will be an ideal response?

[Ques. 8] What are the key issues in the efforts to censor textbooks and other resource materials used by schools?
  What will be an ideal response?

[Ques. 9] What are the drawbacks and benefits of using the textbook as the primary tool in curriculum development?
  What will be an ideal response?

[Ques. 10] What role does technology have on the development of curriculum?
  What will be an ideal response?
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6 years ago
1)  ANSWER: d

2)  ANSWER: c

3)  ANSWER: a

4)  ANSWER: Students may identify any three characteristics (intense parental involvement, length of school year, careful planning and delivery of a national curriculum, large amounts of homework, less variability in achievement thanks to support for slower students, emphasis on students' character and sense of responsibility, educators' sense of responsibility for student learning, the relatively high status and authority of Japanese educators, school schedules with time for counseling and planning, lessons that deemphasize rote learning, rigorous examinations for entry into the teaching profession, language patterns that facilitate learning, and outstanding day-care facilities). Students' responses should be assessed on the basis of (1) how accurately they identify and describe three characteristics, (2) how well they explain the potential link of the three characteristics to high achievement, and (3) how sound their reasoning is in identifying potential implications for the United States.

5)  ANSWER: Analyses of the studies suggest that characteristics such as class size, time allocated to instruction, teachers' experience or training, and amount of homework generally do not account for achievement scores. The tell and show teaching approach so prevalent in the United States and elsewhere also appears not to be correlated with math performance. It may do little good, therefore, for the United States to try to raise achievement by altering aspects of these characteristics. However, the analyses indicate that, unlike in many other countries, the U.S. math curriculum is unfocused, repetitive, incoherent, and not very demanding. In addition, it is highly differentiated.
That is, we tend to sort students into tracks that make higher math available only to high-achieving students. The most productive route, then, to improving U.S.
performance may be to upgrade mathematics curricula and instruction so that all students are challenged to perform at a higher level.

6)  ANSWER: Many of the immigrants may need assistance becoming acclimated to the school setting. Consequently, bilingual education programs, multicultural education, and perhaps compensatory programs may be needed.

7)  ANSWER: The process of developing both includes (1) assessing the needs and capabilities of all learners and (2) selecting or creating the instructional materials and activities that will address those needs.

8)  ANSWER: The key issue seems to be whether there should be limits on what students are permitted to read. A variety of topics are listed as targets for the censors, and materials that are interpreted as antifamily, antireligious, or anti-American are subject to possible censorship. Teachers need to be aware of the numerous special interests that seek to censor materials and content.

9)  ANSWER: If curriculum is organized around a particular textbook, it may incur the same criticism that textbooks usually receive; they tend to be general, noncontroversial, and bland. Because they try to reach the largest audience possible, they fail to meet the needs or interests of any particular group or individual. Textbooks can be superficial and can discourage critical analysis and evaluation, and it would be better for a curriculum to encourage these skills. The benefits of consulting a textbook are that it provides an outline for planning lessons, summarizes large amounts of information, and supplies additional resources.

10)  ANSWER: Children are more proficient in the use of technology. Their teachers, parents and education curriculum must make the change to adjust the focus to a more diverse selection of technology. It has forced the educational system to contribute more financial and human resources in keeping up with the speed at which children are learning new technology.
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