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badkarma2007 badkarma2007
Posts: 529
Rep: 3 0
6 years ago
A police officer is answering to charges of threatening a witness with charges if he does not identify the suspect correctly. What charges does he face?
  A) straightforward corruption
  B) predatory corruption
  C) combative corruption
  D) perversion of justice

(Question #2) Was Cotton constitutionally detained during the search?
  Twenty-five SWAT team officers executed a search warrant against the home of Don Antonio Jones, Calvin Edgar Bolden (his grandfather), and Calvileen Bolden (his mother), who were operating an open-air drug market from and around their home. A four-year investigation established that (1) significant quantities of drugs were brought into the house, (2) the drugs were being sold not only in the house but around it as well, from the front porch and within what we would regard as the curtilage, (3) many of the individuals observed in the trafficking had extensive drug and violent criminal records, and (4) Jones associated with individuals with extensive criminal records, established an elaborate countersurveillance network around the vicinity of the house, and had threatened that a member of the police department. The warrant empowered the police to search Jones, and the Boldens, and any other persons found in the premises who may be participating in violations of those statutes and who may be concealing evidence, paraphernalia, and Controlled Dangerous Substances. Steven Cotton, not named in the warrant, was standing outside the house next to Jones when the warrant was executed. He and others were handcuffed, allowed to sit, and made to wait 15 minutes while the house was secured. One person was investigated and released. Cotton was read Miranda rights and asked if he had anything on him. He admitted to possessing a bag of weed, and was then searched and arrested.
  What will be an ideal response?

(Question #3) In the analysis of police interaction with assholes, it is clear that the term street justice refers to
  A) justice administered on the street, rather than in court.
  B) justice befitting the place and time of the incident.
  C) actions that are outside the justice process and possibly illegal.
  D) actions that are toned down in order to fit the circumstances.

(Question #4) Was there probable cause to arrest Ortiz? Was Ortiz's fingerprinting constitutional?
  Officers lunching at a McDonald's saw Jose Ortiz-Hernandez and Selmo Valenzuela there. Valenzuela was later seen walking northbound on 82nd Avenue. Officer Anderson testified that he thought he saw Ortiz and Valenzuela drive away from the McDonald's in a Toyota Four Runner. Officer Anderson testified he had seen the Toyota earlier circling in an area where people congregated to deal drugs. After lunch the officers drove past a Safeway parking lot where they spotted the Toyota. Officer Anderson then saw Ortiz and Valenzuela using a public telephone outside the Safeway; he testified that another Hispanic male, later identified as Wilfredo Alvarez, get into the Toyota. A gray Jeep, occupied by a man and a woman then drove up and Ortiz and Valenzuela entered the Jeep. Anderson told his fellow officers that Ortiz and Valenzuela were the ones originally driving the Toyota and that the dope was rolling in the Toyota, which was now being driven by a different two Hispanics. Plainclothes undercover officers watched the Jeep while Officer Anderson followed and stopped the Toyota. Anderson was mistaken on all counts. Ortiz and Valenzuela were never inside the Toyota and were not acquainted with Alvarez and his nephew, who were in Portland on routine business. They had driven around because they were lost, and no contraband was found in a consent search of their car. The Jeep was then driven from the Safeway parking lot and the driver, Marie Lewis, failed to use a turn signal. Using this as a pretext, the undercover officers called for a uniformed officer to stop the Jeep 20 blocks away. A check of documents showed that Lewis's license had been suspended. Officer Anderson joined the group. The car's driver admitted to being a recovering heroin addict. Anderson brought Ortiz, who gave his name as Luis Perez-Cota, into a coffee shop rest room and conducted an invasive strip search. No contraband was found, only a Safeway card and a piece of paper with Marie and a phone number written on it. Ortiz was arrested for delivery of drugs. After the arrest a a syringe with residue was found near Lewis's purse under the front seat. At the police station, Ortiz was fingerprinted
  What will be an ideal response?

(Question #5) _____ laws constitute a governmental immunity from prosecution, a state guaranteed right to confidentiality for researchers if they are subpoenaed.
  Fill in the blank(s) with correct word
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6 years ago
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badkarma2007 Author
6 years ago
I hope they're paying you for this Grinning Face with Smiling Eyes
6 years ago
not really, just a volunteer... and you're welcome Wink Face
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