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lyss96 lyss96
Posts: 548
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6 years ago
A generic drug is a medication that is chemically equivalent to the brandname drug for which it is a substitute. It is also a bioequivalent. Generic drugs must deliver the same amount of active ingredients into the patient 's bloodstream in the same amount of time, have the same therapeutic action of the brand-name drug, and must be approved by the FDA. Generic drugs in general are less expensive, mostly because manufacturers of generic drugs do not have to repeat the extensive clinical trials that were used in developing the brand-name drug. Though the active ingredients are the same, the fillers and binders used in generic drugs usually differ from those in brand-name drugs, which can affect how quickly they are absorbed or can make them less potent. Some people are allergic to the binders and fillers used in the generic substitute. When a drug is first placed on the market, usually it is patented for 17 years. That means no one can manufacture another drug with the same chemical formulation during those years. Only when the patent has expired can other pharmaceutical companies manufacture generic versions of brand-name drugs. For that reason, some drugs currently on the market do not have generic versions. Certain generic medications may not work as well as the brand-name originals. Doctors generally advise patients to stick with brand names for drugs to control epilepsy, other seizure conditions, heart problems, and psychiatric conditions. A conclusion that can be drawn from this passage is that
  a. all major drugs have generic versions.
  b. generic drugs must go through rigorous testing before they can be sold. c. most people are afraid to use generic drugs.
  d. doctors prefer for patients to use brand-name drugs.

Ques. 2

A generic drug is a medication that is chemically equivalent to the brandname drug for which it is a substitute. It is also a bioequivalent. Generic drugs must deliver the same amount of active ingredients into the patient 's bloodstream in the same amount of time, have the same therapeutic action of the brand-name drug, and must be approved by the FDA. Generic drugs in general are less expensive, mostly because manufacturers of generic drugs do not have to repeat the extensive clinical trials that were used in developing the brand-name drug. Though the active ingredients are the same, the fillers and binders used in generic drugs usually differ from those in brand-name drugs, which can affect how quickly they are absorbed or can make them less potent. Some people are allergic to the binders and fillers used in the generic substitute. When a drug is first placed on the market, usually it is patented for 17 years. That means no one can manufacture another drug with the same chemical formulation during those years. Only when the patent has expired can other pharmaceutical companies manufacture generic versions of brand-name drugs. For that reason, some drugs currently on the market do not have generic versions. Certain generic medications may not work as well as the brand-name originals. Doctors generally advise patients to stick with brand names for drugs to control epilepsy, other seizure conditions, heart problems, and psychiatric conditions. In the third paragraph, the word pharmaceutical means
  a. dealing with diseases.
  b. having to do with sales.
  c. related to governmental agencies.
  d. having to do with drugs.

Ques. 3

A generic drug is a medication that is chemically equivalent to the brandname drug for which it is a substitute. It is also a bioequivalent. Generic drugs must deliver the same amount of active ingredients into the patient 's bloodstream in the same amount of time, have the same therapeutic action of the brand-name drug, and must be approved by the FDA. Generic drugs in general are less expensive, mostly because manufacturers of generic drugs do not have to repeat the extensive clinical trials that were used in developing the brand-name drug. Though the active ingredients are the same, the fillers and binders used in generic drugs usually differ from those in brand-name drugs, which can affect how quickly they are absorbed or can make them less potent. Some people are allergic to the binders and fillers used in the generic substitute. When a drug is first placed on the market, usually it is patented for 17 years. That means no one can manufacture another drug with the same chemical formulation during those years. Only when the patent has expired can other pharmaceutical companies manufacture generic versions of brand-name drugs. For that reason, some drugs currently on the market do not have generic versions. Certain generic medications may not work as well as the brand-name originals. Doctors generally advise patients to stick with brand names for drugs to control epilepsy, other seizure conditions, heart problems, and psychiatric conditions. According to the passage, what is a difference between a generic and a brandname drug?
  a. Generic drugs do not need FDA approval.
  b. Generic drugs are more expensive.
  c. Generic drugs have different fillers and binders.
  d. Generic drugs are administered in smaller doses.

Ques. 4

A generic drug is a medication that is chemically equivalent to the brandname drug for which it is a substitute. It is also a bioequivalent. Generic drugs must deliver the same amount of active ingredients into the patient 's bloodstream in the same amount of time, have the same therapeutic action of the brand-name drug, and must be approved by the FDA. Generic drugs in general are less expensive, mostly because manufacturers of generic drugs do not have to repeat the extensive clinical trials that were used in developing the brand-name drug. Though the active ingredients are the same, the fillers and binders used in generic drugs usually differ from those in brand-name drugs, which can affect how quickly they are absorbed or can make them less potent. Some people are allergic to the binders and fillers used in the generic substitute. When a drug is first placed on the market, usually it is patented for 17 years. That means no one can manufacture another drug with the same chemical formulation during those years. Only when the patent has expired can other pharmaceutical companies manufacture generic versions of brand-name drugs. For that reason, some drugs currently on the market do not have generic versions. Certain generic medications may not work as well as the brand-name originals. Doctors generally advise patients to stick with brand names for drugs to control epilepsy, other seizure conditions, heart problems, and psychiatric conditions. The word bioequivalent in the first paragraph means
  a. recommended. b. restricted to use by biologists.
  c. having an equal weight.
  d. acting on the body in the same way.

Ques. 5

A generic drug is a medication that is chemically equivalent to the brandname drug for which it is a substitute. It is also a bioequivalent. Generic drugs must deliver the same amount of active ingredients into the patient 's bloodstream in the same amount of time, have the same therapeutic action of the brand-name drug, and must be approved by the FDA. Generic drugs in general are less expensive, mostly because manufacturers of generic drugs do not have to repeat the extensive clinical trials that were used in developing the brand-name drug. Though the active ingredients are the same, the fillers and binders used in generic drugs usually differ from those in brand-name drugs, which can affect how quickly they are absorbed or can make them less potent. Some people are allergic to the binders and fillers used in the generic substitute. When a drug is first placed on the market, usually it is patented for 17 years. That means no one can manufacture another drug with the same chemical formulation during those years. Only when the patent has expired can other pharmaceutical companies manufacture generic versions of brand-name drugs. For that reason, some drugs currently on the market do not have generic versions. Certain generic medications may not work as well as the brand-name originals. Doctors generally advise patients to stick with brand names for drugs to control epilepsy, other seizure conditions, heart problems, and psychiatric conditions. According to the passage, a patent for a new drug is valid for what period of time?
  a. 9 years
  b. 15 years
  c. 17 years
  d. 5 years

Ques. 6

A generic drug is a medication that is chemically equivalent to the brandname drug for which it is a substitute. It is also a bioequivalent. Generic drugs must deliver the same amount of active ingredients into the patient 's bloodstream in the same amount of time, have the same therapeutic action of the brand-name drug, and must be approved by the FDA. Generic drugs in general are less expensive, mostly because manufacturers of generic drugs do not have to repeat the extensive clinical trials that were used in developing the brand-name drug. Though the active ingredients are the same, the fillers and binders used in generic drugs usually differ from those in brand-name drugs, which can affect how quickly they are absorbed or can make them less potent. Some people are allergic to the binders and fillers used in the generic substitute. When a drug is first placed on the market, usually it is patented for 17 years. That means no one can manufacture another drug with the same chemical formulation during those years. Only when the patent has expired can other pharmaceutical companies manufacture generic versions of brand-name drugs. For that reason, some drugs currently on the market do not have generic versions. Certain generic medications may not work as well as the brand-name originals. Doctors generally advise patients to stick with brand names for drugs to control epilepsy, other seizure conditions, heart problems, and psychiatric conditions. The main idea of this passage is
  a. the FDA is responsible for regulating generic drugs.
  b. generic drugs can act as substitutes for brand-name drugs.
  c. generic drugs are cheaper than brand-name drugs.
  d. doctors do not prescribe generic drugs.

Ques. 7

In 1925, a schoolteacher named John T. Scopes taught evolution in Dayton, Tennessee. The local authorities indicted Scopes, and his case came to trial. William Jennings Bryan agreed to help prosecute Scopes, and the American Civil Liberties Union brought in the noted trial lawyer Clarence Darrow for the defense. The proceedings attracted national attention and the trial became a media circus. The judge refused to let Darrow call in scientists to defend evolution. Darrow summoned Bryan as an expert witness on the Bible. The two men sparred for several days. Bryan defended the literal interpretation of the Bible, but to the reporters covering the trial he seemed to wither under Darrow's cross-examination. Sophisticated Americans regarded Bryan as a joke, but in rural America he remained a hero. The jury found Scopes guilty and assessed him a small fine. Bryan died shortly after the trial. To many Americans, the Scopes trial seemed to signal the end of fundamentalism, and the political side of the movement did lose momentum during the late 1920s. But during the same period fundamentalism returned to its roots. It concentrated on creating a network of churches, schools, and colleges where its doctrines could be taught to future generations. The forces underlying fundamentalism during the 1920s would remain a potent element in American culture. A conclusion that can be drawn from this passage is that
  a. following the trial, teachers stopped teaching evolution.
  b. the trial held little interest for most Americans at that time.
  c. the trial caused many people to accept evolution.
  d. fundamentalist Christians began to teach their views with greater zeal.
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6 years ago
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6 years ago
Wow! Thanks you for this correct set of answers, wasn't expecting it
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My pleasure!
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