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JCat JCat
Posts: 347
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6 years ago
Safe haven laws
  A) protect the rights of unwed mothers.
  B) allow parents to abandon their newborns without risk of liability.
  C) protect the rights of unwed fathers.
  D) promote adoptions that will not be at risk of being challenged at a later date.

Q. #2

When an adoption is by a stepparent or close family member, agency facilitation may not be necessary.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Q. #3

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding who must consent to the adoption of a child?
  A) The child's legal mother must consent.
  B) The child's father must consent.
  C) Step-parents must consent.
  D) Children must consent if they are over the age of 12.

Q. #4

Under the ________, the government can recover a tax benefit.
  Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Q. #5

Which of the following statements regarding consent is not accurate?
  A) The Indian Child Welfare Act prevents a mother from consenting to adoption until ten days after the child's birth and allows her to revoke her consent up until the adoption is final.
  B) Each state establishes by statute or administrative regulation the requirements governing consents to adoption.
  C) All states allow a biological parent to revoke consent provided they do so in writing and within seventy two hours of the initial consent.
  D) The general rule is that a consent to adoption that is given voluntarily, knowingly, and intelligently cannot be revoked absent proof that it was obtained by fraud, duress, or undue influence.

Q. #6

Sal and Matilda were married for twenty-seven years at the time of their divorce. They were a middle income couple with no minor children at the time of the divorce. Sal was an electrician and Matilda an administrative assistant. They were both represented by counsel and each party claimed to have made full disclosure. Each kept their pension and the marital home was sold and the proceeds were divided equally. Both parties waived any claim to alimony at the time of the divorce or at any future time. They asked that their agreement be incorporated in the divorce judgment and also survive as an independent contract. During the year following the divorce, two events occurred: a) Sal learned that while they were separated but prior to the divorce, Matilda won nearly 500,000 in a state lottery but never revealed that fact to Sal. He learned about it through the grapevine when he couldn't understand how Matilda was able to live so high on the hog as he put it.
  b) Sal developed myasthenia gravis and was seriously disabled. He could no longer work and could not yet collect his pension. He was about to be forced onto public assistance. He wanted to file a Complaint for alimony to help avoid that outcome. What recourse does Sal have given these two developments?

Q. #7

Which of the following factors must be considered by a court making custody decisions in virtually all states?
  A) the child's preference
  B) the custodial parent's sexual preference
  C) parental smoking
  D) a documented history of domestic violence
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Dude, you're awesome. I wish I had you as my teacher!
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