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slayer909 slayer909
Posts: 569
Rep: 7 0
6 years ago
Personal selling tends to cost more than advertising.
 Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Question 2

If a newly formed country wanted to increase its international trade and reduce worldwide tariffs, it would most likely try to become a part of
  B) WTO.
  D) APEC.
  E) EU.

Question 3

In the summer of 2010, basketball star LeBron James found himself in the middle of a PR nightmare when he decided to turn his decision regarding his future team into an hour-long spot on ESPN, which interestingly enough was entitled, The Decision.. Almost immediately, fans and critics alike began to express their distaste for the way the multi-millionaire handled the situation. Many fans' opinions of the star were greatly altered and James' positive public image appeared to be shattered. Perhaps even worse than the damage to his image, the Lebron James brand began to take a hit when his jerseys were pulled from many retailers' stores and websites, and thousands of fans vowed they would never buy James' line of shoes ever again. Several months later, James began the process of repairing his public image. James, who endorses Nike products, came out with a controversial commercial some believe was intended to evoke sympathy. However, many others felt the commercial mocked the negative reaction expressed over The Decision, and was intended to rebrand the star as a bit of a rebel. Either way, LeBron James appears to have a long way to go before he can once again be recognized as one of the most beloved players in the NBA. Judging by his recent apology and television commercial, LeBron James is apparently trying to repair his image. This is often referred to as
 a. damage control.
  b. public relations management.
  c. spreading goodwill.
  d. a public relations audit.

Question 4

Michelle recently made a friend from another country who works as a buyer at a large business firm. They get together with a group of friends and have a fun time hanging out. Michelle works at a computer firm, and when she finds out her friend's firm is looking to purchase new computers, she schedules an appointment with her friend. When they get together, Michelle is surprised when her friend quickly kisses her on both cheeks as a form of greeting. She is not sure what to do in return. This type of _________________ is not common in the United States as a form of greeting among new friends or business associates.
 A) proxemic communication
  B) kinesic communication
  C) tactile communication
  D) integrated marketing communication
  E) interpersonal communication

Question 5

Which of the following agreements provides a forum for tariff negotiations, reducing trade restrictions, resolution of international trade problems, and ground rules for international trade?
 A) The World Trade Organization
  B) The North American Free Trade Agreement
  C) The Latin American Free Trade Agreement
  D) The European Union Free Trade Agreement
  E) The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

Question 6

In the summer of 2010, basketball star LeBron James found himself in the middle of a PR nightmare when he decided to turn his decision regarding his future team into an hour-long spot on ESPN, which interestingly enough was entitled, The Decision.. Almost immediately, fans and critics alike began to express their distaste for the way the multi-millionaire handled the situation. Many fans' opinions of the star were greatly altered and James' positive public image appeared to be shattered. Perhaps even worse than the damage to his image, the Lebron James brand began to take a hit when his jerseys were pulled from many retailers' stores and websites, and thousands of fans vowed they would never buy James' line of shoes ever again. Several months later, James began the process of repairing his public image. James, who endorses Nike products, came out with a controversial commercial some believe was intended to evoke sympathy. However, many others felt the commercial mocked the negative reaction expressed over The Decision, and was intended to rebrand the star as a bit of a rebel. Either way, LeBron James appears to have a long way to go before he can once again be recognized as one of the most beloved players in the NBA. This is an unfortunate case of negative public relations. According to the text, what is the classic role of public relations?
 a. to foster goodwill between a firm and its many constituent groups
  b. to promote new forms of marketing, such as green marketing
  c. to boost employee morale or attract new employees
  d. to better position the firm's products against competition, particularly foreign competition

Question 7

Marcia works at a toy manufacturer. Recently, the company has had to issue a massive recall because parts of the toy are found to be a choking hazard for small children. A national newspaper published an article that is highly critical of the firm. Marcia tries to handle the backlash from the recall and bad press, but her firm has no policies in place that provide her with guidance in this situation. She consults with Dale, a crisis communication expert at a local college. Dale suggests that Marcia's company develop crisis communication policies to deal with these negative _____________ issues in the future.
 A) press release
  B) integrated marketing communication
  C) product placement
  D) public relations
  E) viral marketing

Question 8

Many marketers claim that ____ will become the world's largest market.
 A) Japan
  B) the United States
  C) China
  D) Thailand
  E) India

Question 9

For some years now, enterprising individuals have gotten their own ideas, forums, and entertainment programs out in front of the public with no help from big tech firms, media conglomerates, or ad agencies. They simply posted their creations on the Internet. It began with blogs, moved to podcasts, expanded to social networks, moved on to YouTube videos, and transferred to Twitter. And it just keeps going. Audience members can download these technological tidbitstext, visual, and audio formatsto their laptops as well as to cell phones, Blackberries, iPods, iPads, and every other mobile gadget that hits the market. Eventually, public relations companies started getting into the act. A Midwest publisher launches a series of young adult books featuring witches, devils, and vampires. Several conservative church groups in Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi stage protests and burn the books in videotaped media events, after which a number of nearby libraries ban the books. The publisher sets up a Facebook page to gather signatures in opposition of book-burning and book-banning and in support of free speech and free enterprise in a free society. It encourages visitors to put an emphasis on literacy, education, and open libraries. The publisher's Facebook page is a form of ____.
 a. corporate image advertising.
  b. advocacy advertising.
  c. cause-related advertising.
  d. influencer marketing.
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6 years ago
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