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Johnwayne Johnwayne
6 years ago
Representative B is most likely from which of the following countries?
  A) Canada
  B) North Korea
  C) Sweden
  D) Australia

Question 2

When developing a structured situational interview, the first step in the process is ________.
  A) rating the job's main duties
  B) creating interview questions
  C) analyzing the job
  D) creating benchmark answers

Question 3

A series of job-relevant questions with predetermined answers that interviewers ask of all applicants for a job is known as a ________.
  A) nondirective situational interview
  B) structured behavioral interview
  C) nondirective behavioral interview
  D) structured situational interview

Question 4

) Consider the question: Can you provide an example of a specific instance where you provided leadership in a difficult situation? What type of question is this?
  A) background question
  B) behavioral question
  C) situational question
  D) job knowledge question

Question 5

George Reyes has recently been hired as the vice president of marketing at Great Toys, a mid-size firm that specializes in classic wooden toys. The CEO of Great Toys wants to expand the firm's presence in the toy market, which is highly competitive.
  As a result, the marketing department's budget has been significantly increased. George plans to use some of the additional funds to hire a new media planner. George is considering the idea of conducting a structured situational interview in the hiring process.
  Which of the following, if true, best supports the argument that George should use a structured situational interview to hire a media planner?
  A) Great Toys' HR department has developed a job description for the new media planner position.
  B) Great Toys' competitors typically face legal issues in the hiring process stemming from the ADA.
  C) Great Toys' employees typically remain with the company for many years because they feel comfortable with the organizational culture.
  D) Great Toys' executives want to ensure that the interview process is fair to all candidates and that the best candidate is hired.

Question 6

Describe the two basic ways that companies can create value. What role does the value chain play in these methods?
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 7

Marion Franklin is the CEO of a local real estate company, Action Realty. The community has seen an increase in population over the last two years, and new neighborhoods are being built as a result. Marion's staff of realtors is very busy,
  and Marion needs to hire a new agent. Although Marion has hired agents in the past, they have not always turned out to be as successful as she had hoped. Marion is considering making changes to the way she interviews job candidates.
  Which of the following best supports the argument that Marion should use structured interviews?
  A) Marion likes applicants to evaluate themselves and to describe their goals.
  B) Marion is viewed as a fair employer by most of her subordinates.
  C) Marion lacks highly effective interviewing skills.
  D) Marion's best agent has recently retired.

Question 8

How many interviewers usually make up a panel interview?
  A) 1
  B) 2
  C) 3-6
  D) 8-10

Question 9

Which of the following is an example of a job knowledge question?
  A) What are the legal restrictions regarding the use of telemarketing for consumers who have a past relationship with a company?
  B) Suppose you were confronted with an angry customer who threatened to sue the company. What would you do?
  C) Mike and Todd have 21 between them. Mike has 20 more than Todd has. How much has Mike and how much has Todd?
  D) Can you tell me about a time in the past when you used leadership skills to handle a difficult situation?
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6 years ago
Answer to #1


Answer to #2

Answer: C

Answer to #3

Answer: D

Answer to #4

Answer: B

Answer to #5

Answer: D

Answer to #6

Companies create value in two basic wayscost leadership and differentiation. Cost leadership emphasizes high production volumes, low costs, and low prices to attract customers. Firms that choose this strategy strive to be the low-cost producer in an industry for a given level of quality. This strategy pushes a firm to sell its products either at average industry prices to earn a profit higher than that of rivals or below average industry prices to capture market share. A differentiation strategy spurs the company to provide a unique good or service that rivals find hard, if not impossible, to match or copy. Firms that choose this strategy aspire to develop products that offer unique attributes that they reason are highly valued by customers and that customers perceive to be better than or sufficiently different from products offered by other companies. The practices of successful MNEs advise managers to interpret the activities the firm performs as elements of a value chain. The value chain follows from the principle that every firm is a collection of discrete activities performed to do business that occur within the scope of the firm. It specifies a clear-cut framework that lets managers deconstruct the abstraction of create value into a step-by-step system. Modeling its sequence requires MNEs configure functions and coordinate processes that move products from conception in R&D through sourcing materials, organizing manufacturing, supervising logistics, applying marketing, and setting-up service options.

Answer to #7

Answer: C

Answer to #8

Answer: C

Answer to #9

Answer: A
Johnwayne Author
6 years ago
Bravo! This is awesome
6 years ago
Glad my efforts were helpful
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