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Jameskiller Jameskiller
Posts: 327
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6 years ago
An adolescent girl is drinking diet colas instead of milk because she wants to control her weight. What advice would you give her to aid in developing peak bone mass?
 a. Stop drinking diet colas immediately.
 b. Increase your physical activity to make up for the low calcium intake.
 c. Eat high-calcium snacks such as low-fat yogurt or cheese in place of empty-calorie snacks.
  d. Reduce your exercise so you won't need as much calcium to build bones.
 e. Take a calcium supplement with the diet colas.

Q. 2

Joe is a 15-year-old active male. However, his parents are concerned that Joe is not growing properly. To assess his growth, Joe's parents should:
 a. compare Joe's height and weight to his best friends'.
 b. compare Joe's height and weight with previous measures taken at intervals.
  c. compare Joe's height and weight to adult weight standards.
 d. compare Joe's height to teen weight standards.
 e. check Joe's BMI.

Q. 3

A 7-year-old boy who is not eating breakfast before going to school because he doesn't want to miss the school bus:
 a. is less likely to become overweight.
 b. will easily make up the nutrients he missed at lunch and dinner.
 c. is likely to perform poorly on the tests he takes in the morning.
 d. will be commended by the teacher for paying close attention in class.
  e. is likely to outperform his classmates in tasks requiring concentration.

Q. 4

Frequent consumption of which food raises the risk for dental caries the most?
 a. carrot sticks
 b. bagels
 c. chocolate milk
  d. plain yogurt
 e. apples

Q. 5

What should parent or caregiver do to eliminate any obvious cause of hyperactivity in a boy in kindergarten who cannot concentrate on his school work?
 a. Eliminate all sources of sugars from his diet.
 b. Include mostly high-fiber, low-fat foods in his diet.
  c. Reduce the hours he sleeps so he will be calm during the day.
 d. Make sure he eats regular, adequate meals.
 e. Give him an omega-3 fatty acids supplement.

Q. 6

Normal, everyday causes of hyper behavior in children include all of the following except:
 a. caffeinated drinks.
 b. lack of sleep.
 c. missed meals.
 d. too much exercise.
 e. too much television.

Q. 7

A young child who used to like bananas now gets nauseated if he has to eat them. This has happened ever since he became ill two months ago from spinning on a carousel immediately after eating a banana in the playground. This would be an example of a:
 a. food allergy.
 b. food intolerance.
  c. food aversion.
 d. food immunity.
 e. food faddism.
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6 years ago
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