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12341243124 12341243124
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6 years ago
An important aid in any weight-loss diet program is to
  a. decrease water intake.
  b. increase physical activity.
  c. speed up thyroid activity with metabolic enhancers.
  d. develop ketosis by keeping carbohydrate intake as low as possible.
  e. use herbal supplements to speed up metabolism.

Q. 2

Which of the following is a feature of meal eating?
  a. Taking large bites helps to reduce food intake.
  b. Faster eating correlates with higher body weight.
  c. Total kcal intake in higher when meals are eaten more slowly.
  d. Satiety hormones are blunted when meals are eaten more slowly.
  e. Eating on a smaller plate increases food intake.

Q. 3

What is the best approach to weight loss?
  a. Avoid foods containing carbohydrates.
  b. Eliminate all fats from the diet and decrease water intake.
  c. Greatly increase protein intake to prevent body protein loss.
  d. Reduce daily energy intake and increase energy expenditure.
  e. Fast at least two consecutive days each week.

Q. 4

Which of the following describes a connection between physical activity and energy expenditure?
  a. The number of kcalories spent in an activity depends on body weight, intensity, and duration.
  b. Walking a mile uses about half as much energy as running a mile
  c. Exercising the leg muscles is effective at burning away fat primarily around the thighs and hips
  d. Exercising the abdominal muscles is effective at burning away fat primarily around the abdomen
  e. If intensity and duration are the same, heavier individuals will expend less energy running than will lighter individuals.

Q. 5

Which of the following is a characteristic of breakfast eating?
  a. Breakfast skippers have higher BMRs up until their first meal of the day.
  b. Eating breakfast once per week conveys the same benefits as 5 times per week.
  c. People who eat breakfast frequently have a lower BMI than breakfast skippers.
  d. People who skip breakfast have lower 24-hour energy intakes than breakfast eaters.
  e. Younger people who skip breakfast have a lower BMI than those who eat it.

Q. 6

Which of the following would be most effective at lowering energy intake in a person on a weight reduction program?
  a. Drink 8 ounces of water prior to each meal.
  b. Select less energy-dense foods
  c. Restrict fiber intake as a means to reduce excess water retention
  d. Consume a small high-fat snack before each meal to reduce appetite
  e. Consume an alcoholic beverage with lunch and dinner.

Q. 7

Incorporating large quantities of low-energy-density foods in a diet is sometimes referred to as
  a. calometrics.
  b. minimetrics.
  c. densification.
  d. volumetrics.
  e. substitution.

Q. 8

As a general rule, what minimum number of kcalories per day is necessary to ensure nutritional adequacy in an eating plan for reducing body weight in women?
  a. 500
  b. 800
  c. 1200
  d. 1600
  e. 1800

Q. 9

As a general rule, what minimum number of kcalories per day is necessary to ensure nutritional adequacy in an eating plan for reducing body weight in men?
  a. 500
  b. 800
  c. 1200
  d. 1600
  e. 1800

Q. 10

In a weight reduction regimen, the most realistic time frame for losing 10 of initial body weight is
  a. 6 weeks.
  b. 3 months.
  c. 6 months.
  d. 9 months.
  e. 1 year.
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