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alockridge95 alockridge95
Posts: 327
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6 years ago
Which of the following is a true statement about the stability of infant attachments?
  a. Secure attachments are more likely to change than insecure attachments.
  b. If attachments fail to form by the end of infancy they will never successfully form.
  c. Changes in family stressors that lead to changes in caregiving quality can lead to shifts in attachment quality.
  d. Caregiver interventions cannot change infant attachment quality.

Q. 2

Developmental researchers use the term goodness of fit to refer to
  a. the match between the mother's and baby's blood type.
  b. the similarity of the genotype of the mother and the genotype of the father.
  c. the match between the caregiver's responses to a child and the child's temperament.
  d. the tendency of the caregiver to coordinate eye contact and vocalization with a baby.

Q. 3

Professional counselors are advised to focus specifically on the
  a. multicultural aspects of counseling.
  b. ethical standards of counseling.
  c. core conditions of effective helping.
  d. best interest of the client.

Q. 4

In a classic study of the development of separation distress, Schaffer and Emerson (1964) found
  a. that separation anxiety develops much earlier than stranger anxiety.
  b. that stranger anxiety and separation distress normally develop in the first 2 months after birth.
  c. that by 8 months babies usually develop a strong preference for one caregiver.
  d. that there is no evidence of separation distress in normal babies.

Q. 5

In Ainsworth et al.'s (1978) study of attachment formation, some mothers were less responsive to their babies' signals than others.
  One group of mothers seemed to be reluctant to hold their babies, showed less warmth and affection than other mothers, and were more rejecting and angry. When their babies were tested in the strange situation test, the children tended to fit which category of attachment?
  a. Securely attached.
  b. Anxious ambivalent.
  c. Avoidant.
  d. Disorganized/disoriented.

Q. 6

It is almost always a bad idea for a mental health professional to seek counseling from another counselor because:
  a. It can create a dual relationship because the client is actually a counselor
  b. The client will have to pay out-of-pocket
  c. The client will know more than the counselor
  d. None of the above

Q. 7

Therapist: It makes perfect sense why you would hate your parents, your boss, your friends, and yourself. Everybody probably feels that way at some point. This therapist has demonstrated which pitfall of therapy?
  a) False Understanding
  b) Giving Reassurance
  c) Going for quick solutions
  d) Unrealistic Expectations

Q. 8

Some babies produce contradictory behaviors in the strange situation test, both showing some signs of approaching the mother when stressed but then avoiding the mother when she approaches.
  These babies often engage in bizarre behaviors as well, like rising to greet the parent and then falling prone. Such unusual behavior has been found to be associated with what kind of caregiving on the part of the mother?
  a. Warm, responsive, sensitive caregiving.
  b. Abusive caregiving.
  c. Inconsistent caregiving, sometimes sensitive and sometimes not.
  d. Low warmth, rejecting caregiving.

Q. 9

At 10 months old, Suzie is very active, responds intensely to stimulation, avoids new stimulation, and tends to be irritable and fussy. Her temperament would be called
  a. difficult.
  b. easy.
  c. slow-to-warm up.
  d. resilient.
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