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Destinylave Destinylave
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6 years ago
Which of the following strategies for a medication teaching plan for older adults facilitates compliance with the medication regimen?
  a. Provide opportunities for older adults to ask questions
  b. Give older adults printed medication orders
  c. Teach the family about the dosing, desired effects, and side effects of all medications
  d. Test the ability of older adults to read the medication labels

Question 2

Mrs. Marks has just been discharged from the hospital after having a cerebrovascular accident. You are interviewing her on admission to your assisted living facility.
  Questions of significant concern in the initial assessment would include all of the following except
  a. Ability to hold objects
  b. Frequency of colds
  c. Difficulty with vision or hearing
  d. Assistive devices needed

Question 3

Laura Adamson, 82 years old, was admitted to the hospital emergency department for an apparent overdose of medications.
  After interviewing her, you find that she does not have a good system in her home for reminding her that she has already taken her medications. Which of the following would be the most desirable method to remind Mrs. Adamson that she has taken her medication?
  a. Suggest a medication box
  b. Instruct her to turn the medication bottle upside down after she has taken her medications
  c. Suggest color coding the medication bottles
  d. Suggest that she mark a checklist or calendar

Question 4

When conducting a nursing assessment of the gastrointestinal tract, all of the following questions may be helpful except
  a. Food intolerances
  b. Use of laxatives
  c. Sexual activity
  d. Abdominal distress before or after meals

Question 5

Helga Rudstrom, 88 years old, has a nursing diagnosis of Noncompliance with medication regimen related to inability to open childproof bottles. Which of the following interventions is appropriate for Mrs. Rudstrom?
  a. Instruct her daughter to dump each bottle of pills into a cup
  b. Instruct her daughter to leave the covers off of the bottles
  c. Instruct her daughter to put the daily doses of the medication in little plastic cups that her mother can take every morning
  d. Instruct her daughter to request special lids from the pharmacy

Question 6

Which nursing focus is appropriate when dealing with chronic conditions?
  a. Basing care on the ability to cure
  b. Assisting the patient to attain the highest possible level physically, socially, psychologically, and spiritually
  c. Using more sophisticated, high-technology interventions to assist the patient
  d. Allowing patients to deny a disability because it will pass

Question 7

What assessment information is essential to have before administering a new medication to an older adult?
  a. Known drug allergies
  b. Time of last meal
  c. Name of the patient's pharmacy
  d. History of past drug use
Maternal & Child Nursing Care

Maternal & Child Nursing Care

Edition: 5th
Read 42 times
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

Providing older adults with the opportunity to ask questions gives them the chance to examine their medication regimen and enlist your assistance in solving problems with it. The rest of the responses (responses B, C, and D) are components of a medication teaching plan for older adults, but they do not engage the older adult in active problem solving.

Answer to #2

In this initial interview, you are focusing on Mrs. Marks' immediate needs and assessing her ability to function within your environment safely. There will be plenty of time for a more thorough assessment later.

Answer to #3

Medication boxes have slots for different days and times. When the medication is gone from the slot, Mrs. Adamson would know that she had taken it. Turning the bottle upside down (response B) would work if she remembered to turn it right side up again before bedtime or the first thing in the morning. If she did not, she may start missing doses because she thought she had already taken her medications. Color coding (response C) might assist with vision problems but would not assist with remembering to take medications. Checklists and calendar marking (response D) are a good ideaif the older adult remembers to mark the checklist and calendar.

Answer to #4

Although sexual activity should be assessed in your interview, it would not be in the gastrointestinal area.

Answer to #5

Pharmacies stock nonchild-protective, flip-off caps and provide them to older adults. Responses A, B, and C are inappropriate and potentially dangerous suggestions.

Answer to #6

Individuals with chronic conditions must be taught and assisted with techniques to function at their personal optimal level in all arenas of life. Responses A and C are specific for acute illnesses. Response D is incorrect.

Answer to #7

To prevent a potential anaphylactic reaction, it is essential to know if the older adult has medication allergies before administering a new medication. Time of last meal (response B), name of pharmacy (response C), and drug use history (response D) all are components of the drug assessment, but they are not as essential as knowing allergies before administering a medication.
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