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pweller2017 pweller2017
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6 years ago
The ER (emergency room) staff experienced a violent client who had demanded pain medication and threatened the staff if he did not receive it. The ER nurse called the police, and the emergency room physician talked to the client in a calm manner.
  The physicians ploy to ask questions regarding the clients level and location of pain was an attempt to: 1. Distract the client.
  2. De-escalate the situation.
  3. Determine the clients real reason for seeking treatment.
  4. Assess the clients level of pain.

Question 2

A long-term care facility is reviewing its Violence Prevention policy. The policy contains information regarding the reporting procedure.
  Which of the following would be appropriate for the DON (director of nursing) to consider adding to this policy? 1. Notification of the situation to area facilities
  2. A list of who to contact in regard to administration and law enforcement
  3. A list of law enforcement officials to contact
  4. Administrations home phone numbers

Question 3

A hospital has a safety committee meeting that includes staff from the following departments: maintenance, nursing, administration, risk management and housekeeping.
  The chair of the committee is inquiring as to which actions the committee recommends to administration to improve employee safety. Select all that apply. 1. Parking space for visitors
  2. Security cameras throughout the facility
  3. Curved mirrors in the corridors
  4. Armed personnel walking the corridors
  5. Adequate lighting
  6. Security barriers at main entrances
  7. Locked doors to all entrances into the hospital

Question 4

The hospital operator announced over the paging system, Dr. Strong, 4th floor, A-Wing, Dr. Strong, 4th floor, A-Wing. A medical-surgical nurse asks another nurse, Who is Dr.
  Strong? The nurse informs the medical-surgical nurse, This is an announcement that informs security there is violent behavior on that unit. Which of the following would be an appropriate report to this units manager? 1. This nurse does not know what Dr. Strong means.
  2. There was an incident in which a staff person did not know what Dr. Strong meant. Could we have an
  in-service on this policy?
  3. The operator paged a Dr. Strong and we didnt know what to do.
  4. Who is Dr. Strong?

Question 5

An ICU nurse has just assisted the physician in placing a central line on a client. Over the past few days the clients son has been verbally abusive to the nursing staff and this abuse has escalated over the past 2 days.
  Another nurse informs the nurse the clients son is in the hallway wanting to see the client. Which action by the nurse would be appropriate? 1. Remove the central line tray from the room.
  2. Inform the son regarding the clients condition.
  3. Ignore the son.
  4. Limit the sons visitation.

Question 6

An ICU unit has experienced an influx of aggressive behaviors among visitors. The ICU manager has instituted a policy to limit visiting hours. An employee asks the manager why the change in visiting hours has been implemented.
  Which of the following would be an appropriate response? 1. The unit has been so busy, I must allow for the nurses to have time to provide client care.
  2. The visitor hours have not been adjusted in years. It was time to change them.
  3. The physicians have requested limited visiting hours.
  4. The visiting hours allowed for added stress and commotion to the nursing staff.

Question 7

The ICU unit has a client in which the family has been verbally abusive and has threatened staff. The manager notes an increase in absenteeism with the staff over the past 2 days. The manager believes this is attributed to a:
  1. Staffing dilemma caused by the scheduler.
  2. Change in the staffing matrix.
  3. Decline in staff morale due to a hostile environment.
  4. Miscommunication between management and nursing administration.

Question 8

A CNO (chief nurse officer) is contacted by the organizations supervisor on a Saturday night regarding an incident in the hospitals emergency room. The supervisor describes an incident in which an orderly was assaulted.
  The CNO is not surprised because: 1. This is a typical occurrence in the emergency room.
  2. Health care violence is more likely to occur in emergency rooms.
  3. Health care violence can occur any where.
  4. Health care violence typically occurs only in the emergency room setting.
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

Explanation: 1. The physicians tactics may distract the client but this method is an attempt to de -escalate the
situation until law enforcement arrives. Determining the clients level of pain and reason for
seeking treatment is a tactic used to de-escalate the situation.

Answer to #2

Explanation: 1. A facility should have a list of reporting procedures in the event there is workplace aggression.
Law enforcement will notify area facilities if needed. The supervisor or charge nurse within the
facility should have a list of who to contact, which should include administration and possibly
law enforcement.

Answer to #3

2, 3, 5, 6
Explanation: 1. Instituting environmental controls such as adequate lighting, security devices, and curved
mirrors are measures to ensure safety. Limiting parking space and armed personnel may
hinder violent behavior. It is unreasonable to lock doors 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is
reasonable to lock doors during nighttime hours.

Answer to #4

Explanation: 1. Employees must be adequately informed about the policies so they are prepared in case of an
event and not trying to find out at the time of crisis.

Answer to #5

Explanation: 1. Health care staff should be aware when and where to store health instruments that may be
used as weapons. The son should be informed of the clients condition, but with the history
and the escalation of his behavior the nurse should be prepared to protect himself and others.
Ignoring the son and limiting visitation may cause the violent behavior to escalate.

Answer to #6

Explanation: 1. Limiting visiting hours addresses one of the risk factors contributing to violence in health care.
Having an open door policy for visitors in which visiting hours are not restricted, and
visitors are not required to check in when they enter can lead to increased violence.

Answer to #7

Explanation: 1. A problem with staffing and/or matrix must be addressed with management in which the
issues must be resolved to ensure appropriate client care, which does not relate to the clients
family. A hostile work environment may cause a decline in morale in which nurses may not
work due to fear of workplace violence. Miscommunication between management and
administration may have a negative effect on morale.

Answer to #8

Explanation: 1. In health care, violence is most likely to occur in psychiatric settings, emergency rooms,
waiting rooms, and geriatric units.
pweller2017 Author
6 years ago
Words can't even express my thanks
6 years ago
Pleasure is all mine
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