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thehappymedic thehappymedic
Posts: 366
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6 years ago
Which sentence expresses numbers correctly?
 A) Although my credit card statement showed purchases of 5.49, 99, and 3.29 from Walmart, I am disputing these charges.
 B) Although my credit card statement showed purchases of 5.49, 99 cents, and 3.29 from Walmart, I am disputing these charges.
 C) Although my credit card statement showed purchases of 5.49, .99, and 3.29 from Walmart, I am disputing these charges.

Ques. 2

In the popular block letter format, which of the following guidelines apply?
 A) Use ragged, unjustified right margins.
 B) Use fully justified margins on all sides and center the body of the letter on the page.
 C) Start the sender's address, the dateline, and the complimentary close at the midpoint; align all other letter parts at the left margin.
 D) Double-space all content to improve readability.

Ques. 3

Which sentence expresses numbers correctly?
 A) The cost of the seminar is ninety dollars per person.
 B) The cost of the seminar is 90 per person.
 C) The cost of the seminar is 90.00 per person.

Ques. 4

Which statement about the format of a business letter is most accurate?
 A) Legal agreements are invalid if they do not demonstrate the correct letter format.
 B) All business letters will use the block formatting style.
 C) The appearance of a business letter can send nonverbal messages about a sender to a receiver.
 D) All answer choices are accurate.

Ques. 5

Which sentence expresses numbers correctly?
 A) Brandon spent 10135 for tuition, housing, and books this semester.
 B) Because Mariah was charged for sending 9,366 text messages in one month, she switched her data plan to unlimited messaging.
 C) The community of nearly 12000 people is divided into several neighborhood watch areas to assist police and to deter would-be criminals.

Ques. 6

In which of the following situations should you send a letter instead of an e-mail message?
 A) You are planning a sales team meeting.
 B) You are asking leading members of the community to contribute to a fundraising event to improve local parks.
 C) You are inviting employees to the annual sales seminar.
 D) You are reminding employees of Friday's divisional meetings.
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6 years ago
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