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Snuffle Snuffle
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6 years ago
Discuss ways in which mobile technology is challenging the way in which businesses communicate.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 2

The motivation for writing a business message will help determine and shape which of the following?
  A) Audience reaction to the message
  B) Audience acceptance to the message
  C) Audience understanding of the message
  D) The effectiveness of the message
  E) The nature of the idea

Ques. 3

Describe what the six distinct traits of professionalism are.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 4

Audience-centered communication is based on objective, fact based information, not etiquette or other social norms.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

Ques. 5

Digital information fluency is often expected of employees by employers.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false.c
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

Answer: Employees are having an increasingly difficult time disengaging from the workplace, while also having more flexibility in meeting personal and professional obligations. Mobile technology reduces operating costs through telecommuting and other nontraditional work models. Mobile use often occurs in environments with multiple distractions and barriers to successful communication. The use of text messaging has changed the way some users write, allowing for potential miscommunication between the sender and receiver. Also, privacy and security issues must be considered when using technology.
Learning Obj.: LO 1.2: Explain what it means to communicate as a professional in a business context.

Answer to #2

Answer: D
Explanation: D) Whether a communication effort will ultimately be effective begins when the sender has an idea, and depends on the nature of the idea and the motivation for sending it.

Answer to #3

Answer: The trait of being the best includes striving to excel and be the best at everything one does. It is important to excel at every level to build a strong career. The trait of being dependable includes keeping promises and meeting commitments. It is important to learn from mistakes and take responsibility for errors. The trait of being a team player includes knowing how to contribute to a larger cause and making others around them better. The trait of being respectful includes knowing good business etiquette, showing respect for those around them. Respecting others is not only good etiquette, it is essential for one's career. Being ethical includes working to avoid personal ethical lapses and weighing options carefully when facing ethical dilemmas. Being positive includes believing in what one is doing and the ability to get the job done. This includes finding and solving problems instead of complaining about them.
Learning Obj.: LO 1.2: Explain what it means to communicate as a professional in a business context.

Answer to #4

Answer: FALSE
Explanation: An important element of audience-centered communication is etiquette, the expected norms of behavior in a particular situation. Etiquette is as important to effective communication as objective, fact based information.

Answer to #5

Answer: TRUE
Explanation: Given the importance of communication in business, employers expect employees to be competent at a wide range of communication tasks. Recognizing information needs, using efficient search techniques and using gathered information ethically is often referred to as digital information fluency.
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