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Rye Rye
Posts: 348
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6 years ago
A recent survey collected data from 1000 randomly selected Internet users. The characteristics of the users include their gender, age, education, marital status, and annual income. Using Excel, the following pivot tables are produced.
   Approximate the percentage of these Internet users who are men under the age of 30.

Q. 2

Suppose that a health magazine reports that a mans weight at birth has a significant impact on the chance that the man will suffer a heart attack during his life. A statistician analyzes a data set from a sample of 798 men, and produces the pivot table and histogram shown below. Determine how birth weight influences the chances that a man will have a heart attack.


Q. 3

A data set from a sample of 399 Michigan families was collected. The data include family size (large or small), number of cars owned by family (1, 2, 3, or 4), and whether family owns a foreign car. Excel produced the pivot table shown below.


   Use this pivot table to determine how family size and number of cars owned influence the likelihood that a family owns a foreign car.

Q. 4

A sample of 30 schools produced the pivot table shown below for the average percentage of students graduating from high school. Use this table to determine how the type of school (public or Catholic) that students attend affects their chance of graduating from high school.


Q. 5

Do these data help to confirm or contradict the hypothesis that increased wage inequality is associated with lower unemployment levels?
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