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roni6298 roni6298
Posts: 366
Rep: 0 0
6 years ago
Positive rights are social or economic rights that oblige government to provide
  a. jury trials for criminal defendants.
  b. for the well-being of the citizens.
  c. college educations for all of its citizens.
  d. a full-time job for anyone over the age of 18.
  e. health care for everyone under the age of 18.

Question -2-

Which of the following is an example of a negative right?
  a. A job
  b. An education
  c. Decent housing
  d. Free speech
  e. Medical care

Question -3-

Which of the following was one of the rights Roosevelt listed in his second Bill of Rights?
  a. A fair trial
  b. A good education
  c. An attorney
  d. Liberty
  e. Pursuit of happiness

Question -4-

Social Security was designed to be funded by a
  a. coalition of private companies.
  b. government surplus.
  c. payroll tax.
  d. portion of Medicare funding.
  e. private accounts.

Question -5-

The federal assistance entitlement program based on the Social Security Act of 1935 that provided income to poor families was called
  a. a health maintenance organization.
  b. Aid to Families with Dependent Children.
  c. Medicare.
  d. the Fair Deal.
  e. the non-contributory program.
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6 years ago
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