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Aakashtamang619 Aakashtamang619
Posts: 414
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6 years ago
Explain how the federal government uses federal funding to indirectly impose its will on the states.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question -2-

In Zelman v. Simmons-Harris,the Supreme Court upheld a program that provided some families in Cleveland, Ohio, with __________ they could use to pay tuition at religious schools.
  Fill in the blanks with correct word

Question -3-

What is devolution? What are its advantages and disadvantages? Discuss how devolution impacted policy in the 1990s.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question -4-

Describe the evolution from dual federalism to cooperative federalism.
  What will be an ideal response?
Read 37 times
3 Replies

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6 years ago
(Ans. #1)

An ideal response will:
1, Describe fiscal federalism.
2, Define types of federal funding to the states and the ways in which the type of funding influences the amount of control the federal government has over the actions of states receiving the money.

(Ans. #2)


(Ans. #3)

An ideal response will:
1, Explain devolution in detail with emphasis on the return of administrative power to the states.
2, Discuss how devolution affected speed limits,welfare policy, and the ability of state prisoners to seek relief in federal courts.
3, Explain the pros and cons of devolution, including the ability to experiment with state-specific solutions to social problems, and the difficulty of a subnational unit of government to tackle major social problems effectively.

(Ans. #4)

An ideal response will:
1, Describe, compare, and contrastdual federalism and cooperative federalism.
2, Detail events leading to each form of federalism.
6 years ago
Makes tons more sense now! Vote with confidence people, these are all correct
6 years ago
Slight Smile Feeling super proud now
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