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lmo12 lmo12
Posts: 357
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6 years ago
In what way does the concept self-efficacy differ from such terms as self-concept and self-esteem?
  a. Self-efficacy refers only to those behaviors we learn through modeling.
  b. Self-efficacy results primarily from vicarious reinforcement and punishment.
  c. Self-efficacy varies depending on the specific task to be performed.
  d. Self-efficacy appears only after we begin to regulate our own behavior.

Ques. 2

Three of the following alternatives depict situations in which a teacher is facilitating the retention component of modeling. Which one does not depict such a situation?
  a. As he writes a capital J on the board, Mr. Anson tells his kindergartners, To write a capital J, you make a fishhook with a line across the top.
  b. Mr. Byers suggests, Let's play some background music while I show you how to use the dipstick to measure your oil level.
  c. Mr. Caruso says, There are several critical steps involved in throwing a pot on the potter's wheel. Repeat these steps to yourself as you work so that you don't forget them.
  d. As he demonstrates how to throw a baseball correctly, Mr. Duffy says, Now repeat these words as you throw the ball: back, up, thrust, release.

Ques. 3

Bandura proposes that three of the following conditions are necessary for modeling to occur. Which one is not necessary?
  a. Motivation to perform the behavior
  b. Memory of the observed behavior
  c. A relatively stress-free environment
  d. Attention to the model

Ques. 4

Jenny hears her second grade teacher often tell the class that soda is bad for your health and that everyone should drink water. However, every afternoon Jenny sees her teacher drink a soda. Based information regarding behaviors that are learned through modeling, which beverage is Jenny most likely to drink:
  a. Water, an authority figure's words are more influential than their actions.
  b. Neither, children only imitate other children.
  c. Soda, people imitate other people's actions more than their words.
  d. Water, second graders always imitate to their teachers.

Ques. 5

Three of the following are almost always found in applied behavior analysis (ABA). Which one is not necessarily characteristic of ABA?
  a. Altering the consequences of behavior
  b. Measuring behavior before treatment begins
  c. Exploring underlying causes of behavior
  d. Measuring behavior during treatment

Ques. 6

Imagine that you are a teacher at a junior high school. Below are four behaviors you might exhibit in your classroom. Considering the textbook's discussion of modeling, choose the behavior your students are least likely to imitate.
  a. You show them how to estimate the price of an outfit they might want to buy.
  b. You show them how to fill out their class schedule form for next year.
  c. You show them how much you enjoy reading professional education journals.
  d. You show them how to make a tasty fruit drink for a hot day.

Ques. 7

Tammy has trouble getting dates, so she begins to observe how other students attract boys. The four girls below have all had a date within the last week. Without knowing anything about Tammy, but using criteria proposed by social cognitive theorists, choose the girl whom Tammy is most likely to model.
  a. Amanda has a steady boyfriend, but most of her classmates don't like her.
  b. Belinda has never had a date.
  c. Clara enjoys playing traditionally masculine sports such as football and ice hockey with the boys.
  d. Dorinda is popular and feminine.
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6 years ago
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lmo12 Author
6 years ago
Makes tons more sense now! Vote with confidence people, these are all correct
6 years ago
Slight Smile Feeling super proud now
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