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r3r3r r3r3r
Posts: 375
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6 years ago
What is the relationship between classroom management and time use in classrooms?
  a. Classroom management takes away significantly from instructional time throughout the year.
  b. Better classroom managers spend a good bit of time on classroom management matters at the beginning of the year, but ultimately save time over the year.
  c. The amount of time a teacher has allocated for instruction drives his or her management style.
  d. There is no relationship between classroom management and time use.

Ques. 2

When student behavior deteriorates after the beginning of the year, it is generally because
  a. the students dislike their teacher and want to make sure he/she knows it.
  b. the teacher is unmotivated and shouldn't be in the classroom.
  c. the teacher is not teaching lessons that are interesting and engaging to students.
  d. the teacher needed to do more teaching of his/her expectations from the start, and needed to be very consistent with holding students accountable for compliance.

Ques. 3

Placement of the teacher's desk must be done in such a way that the teacher can see all students at all times; it is not necessary, however, for all students to be able to see the teacher when he/she is seated at his/her desk.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Ques. 4

Storing frequently used items like dictionaries or reference books in large stacking tubs with lids is a good practice.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Ques. 5

Room decoration should be carefully considered because it is a potential distraction.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Ques. 6

Ms. Wise uses a tall partition to separate an enrichment center from the main part of the classroom. When she asks you what you think about this arrangement, you
  a. tell her that it is a good idea because it eliminates distractions while students are working.
  b. suggest that she remove the partition because it will interfere with her ability to supervise the students.
  c. compliment her on the fact that her room has cozy nooks where students can have some privacy during the school day.
  d. tell her that each teacher has his or her own style and that she should do what makes her happy.

Ques. 7

Mr. Becker often has the students use graphing calculators during his mathematics classes. He is fortunate enough to have a class set. When demonstrating mathematical concepts or showing students how to work with the calculators, Mr. Becker typically stands at the front of the room near the board. The best place for him to store the calculators is
  a. in a cabinet in the front corner of the room because they will be easily accessible.
  b. on his desk because he will want to ensure that the students do not abuse the privilege of working with calculators.
  c. on a shelf in the rear of the classroom because that is where he keeps all curricular materials, and it's best to keep them together.
  d. in cardboard boxes on top of back bookshelf because to do so will prevent the calculators from being lost or stolen.

Ques. 8

The text recommends that teachers who float - teach in different rooms - should do which one of the following?
  a. Use overhead transparencies to communicate information and assignments.
  b. Leave class a little early in order to get to the next class on time.
  c. Use the procedures and routines of the host teacher whenever possible.
  d. All of the above are recommended.
  e. a and b only
Read 63 times
2 Replies

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6 years ago
Answer to #1


Answer to #2


Answer to #3


Answer to #4

False. Materials will not be easily accessible.

Answer to #5


Answer to #6


Answer to #7


Answer to #8

r3r3r Author
6 years ago
Upwards Arrow All were right, you're seriously the best
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