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poopy199 poopy199
Posts: 359
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6 years ago
Which one of the following statements is consistent with research findings described in the textbook?
  A) Repeating something over and over is usually the most effective way to learn it.
  B) Tailoring instruction to students' individual learning styles does not noticeably increase students' learning.
  C) For optimal performance, students should never feel any anxiety in the classroom.
  D) Children's personalities are not affected by the genetics they inherit from their biological parents.

Ques. 2

The majority of praise statements should be public so that other students are motivated by it also.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Ques. 3

Which one of the following is not true? Educational psychologists:
  A) Use evidence from systematic research to inform teaching and learning practices.
  B) Publish their research findings in journals and books.
  C) Use the MLA (Modern Language Association) style when citing references in their publications.
  D) Belong to national organizations to share their research with others.

Ques. 4

A potential drawback to using problem solving/communication skills approaches to dealing with discipline problems is that
  a. they do not address the problem of establishing student motivation.
  b. the approach may be difficult to apply in class without interrupting regular teaching activities.
  c. teachers may not be able to identify solutions to the problems.
  d. they allow students to avoid accepting responsibility for their behavior.

Ques. 5

Problem solving conferences are usually reserved for chronic situations that have not yielded to simpler remedies.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Ques. 6

Mr. Marks has a procedure requiring students to write in pen, except in mathematics, where he has them use pencils. Mr. Marks is inconsistent in his expectations and should require either pen or pencil all the time.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Ques. 7

Which one of the following is an example of elaboration?
  A) Sharon automatically knows how she can best study for an upcoming history test.
  B) When Melissa first learns about inertia, she thinks of examples of it in her own life to expand on the idea.
  C) Darren repeats the detailed excuses his friend Logan suggests he use to explain why he didn't do his homework.
  D) Rosie repeats the spelling of each word several times the night before her spelling test.

Ques. 8

Until a student makes a commitment to change a misbehavior, punishment is likely to be perceived as coercive and controlling.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Ques. 9

Processing skills allow you to confirm or clarify your perception of the student's message.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Ques. 10

To find out if visual imagery (i.e., picturing things in one's mind) is more effective than verbal repetition in learning French vocabulary words, a French teacher develops two different study guides for her students: one that tells students how to use visual imagery to learn French words, and one that tells them to just repeat the words over and over. She randomly distributes the two study guides to her students. Over the next few weeks, the teacher finds that students using visual imagery study guides achieve higher average quiz scores. Because all of the students used their given study guides and there was no reason to suspect other differences between the two groups of students, she concludes that the visual imagery study guide helped her students to learn their French vocabulary words more than the other study guide. Is the teacher's conclusion valid for her students?
  A) No, because she used random assignment
  B) No, because her experiment wasn't conducted in a laboratory
  C) Yes, because her students probably all had similar IQ scores
  D) Yes, because she was able to manipulate a variable in the environment
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6 years ago
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