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Vertzie Vertzie
Posts: 354
Rep: 1 0
6 years ago
Three of the following are common practices in caring for a premature infant. Which one is not recommended?
  a. Cuddle the infant.
  b. Massage the infant.
  c. Give the infant plenty of light.
  d. Minimize any disruptions to sleep.

Ques. 2

Which one of the following best describes the nature of a Braxton Hicks contraction?
  a. The fetus is in the birth canal and will be a newborn baby within the hour.
  b. The mother's uterine muscles are not yet causing any cervical dilation.
  c. The mother's body is working extra hard because the baby is in a breech position.
  d. The force is strong enough that the mother's water breaks (i.e., the sac holding the fluid around the fetus breaks open).

Ques. 3

Eight-year-old Elizabeth has unusual facial features and has exceptional difficulty learning and remembering the basics of reading, writing, and math. Without knowing anything else about Elizabeth, you might wonder if she has:
  a. Thalassemia
  b. Huntington disease
  c. Fetal alcohol syndrome
  d. Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Ques. 4

A pregnant woman has an ultrasound to assess the progress of the twins she is expecting. Her doctor says, From what I can see on the screen, Ms. Black, it looks as if you will have a boy and a girl. In what stage of development must the twins be?
  a. gamete
  b. zygote
  c. embryo
  d. fetus

Ques. 5

A pregnant woman regularly uses cocaine and heroin throughout her pregnancy. Chances are that her baby will:
  a. Have Down syndrome
  b. Have Tay-Sachs disease
  c. Be born late and have an exceptionally large head
  d. Be born prematurely and show unusual irritability

Ques. 6

Three of the following are examples of teratogens. Which one is not a teratogen?
  a. toxoplasmosis
  b. whiskey
  c. HIV infection
  d. malnutrition

Ques. 7

A small mass has been in a mother's placenta for several weeks. A small head is distinguishable from the body, and tiny buds that will become arms and legs are just beginning to sprout fingers and toes. What word is typically used for a baby-to-be at this stage of development?
  a. gamete
  b. zygote
  c. embryo
  d. fetus

Ques. 8

A tiny cluster of cells has just traveled down one of its mother's fallopian tubes and implanted itself in the mother's uterus. What word is typically used for a baby-to-be at this stage of development?
  a. gamete
  b. zygote
  c. embryo
  d. fetus

Ques. 9

Ruth has always been a rambunctious, outspoken child. She has excessively high energy levels and tendency to blurt out what she is thinking and interrupting others. What is something that is not recommended to encourage her to do?
  a. Join a drama club
  b. Raise her hand before speaking
  c. Join a debate club
  d. Follow her natural tendencies

Ques. 10

A pre-school teacher who works with infants and toddlers makes sure to talk with her young students frequently. She sings nursery rhymes with them. She is taking advantage of which of the following with them?
  a. canalization
  b. inclusion
  c. sensitive period
  d. maturation
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6 years ago
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Vertzie Author
6 years ago
All are correct
6 years ago
Happy to help
4 years ago
This is exactly what I was looking for, thanks!
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