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Sheko Sheko
Posts: 363
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6 years ago
Ms. Karnes teaches eighth grade social studies. She knows her students well, knows their likes and dislikes, and knows their capabilities. Her students like to get her off on a tangent during a lesson, and they enjoy every opportunity to work together and talk. Ms. Karnes assigned a big project that involves group work and independent work. How might she use the Premack principle to encourage her eighth grade students to focus and complete their task efficiently?
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 2

During the standardized test, which student demonstrates implicit long-term memory?
  a. Dan ponders questions four and five. He is trying to remember how to do the analysis required in the questions.
  b. Shaylee begins the second section of the test and suddenly remembers that she forgot to text her mom and tell her what time to pick her up.
  c. Jeremy reads the first few questionsand is able to answer them quickly with confidence that they are right.
  d. Haley's hand shakes as she begins the test, just like her hand shook when she took the SAT.

Ques. 3

Mrs. O'Connor assigns a task in math. She does not review prerequisite knowledge and skills. The task requires students to use a formula they learned in a prior unit. Several students struggle with the task. What type of knowledge do they need that they seem to lack?
  a. Declarative knowledge
  b. Conditional knowledge
  c. Procedural knowledge
  d. Elaborative knowledge

Ques. 4

Mr. Halbert teaches middle school language arts. One of his students, Carli, has attention deficit problems and gets distracted easily. Mr. Halbert uses effective strategies when he presents lessons, and his lessons hold Carli's attention with the use of visuals, modeling, and engaging the students. However, during independent tasks, Carli often disengages from the task and creates elaborate architectural drawings on her paper. Mr. Halbert has tried cues and prompts, but they are not sufficient. He does not want to use punishment and feels certain it would not be effective anyway. Carli is in middle school, and Mr. Halbertwants to try is self-management approach.
  Describe how Mr. Halbert might set up a self-management program with Carli. Explain the steps involved.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 5

In the second grade, Danielle was identified as a student with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. During the elementary school years, she had such a busy brain that she failed to learn some of the strategies that have become automatic for her friends. Now Danielle is in high school and has made up her mind to be a medical doctor. She realizes some of the demands of the profession because her mom is a doctor. Danielle is serious about learning and determined to teach herself some learning strategies to improve her academic achievement.
  Identify at least one learning strategy that will transfer to many of the subjects Danielle will take in high school and college.
  Describe the stages of learning she will experience as she teaches herself the strategy and develops the ability to transfer the strategy to new learning situations.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 6

Mrs. Gomez is in her third year of teaching fourth grade. This year one student's dadvisited with Mrs. Gomez during the second week of school and described his son Gabe as very creative. He mentioned Gabe's skill in crafting witty statements, his love of writing and creating characters and settings with distinctive traits, his insatiable curiosity, and his intensity. Mrs. Gomez discussed with the dad some of the things she would like to do to encourage Gabe's creativity and help him acclimate to classroom rules and procedures without feeling stifled. Gabe's dad felt like she was on the right track.
  On the way home from school, Mrs. Gomez is reflecting on the conversation and realizing that she would like to encourage creativity in all of her students. She believes she can work effectively with Gabe and use some of the same ideas to help other students think outside the box.
  Describe at least four things Mrs.
  Gomez might do that will foster Gabe's creativity and encourage other students to be creative.

Ques. 7

Mr. Anthony has set up the lab many times for the experiment of acids and bases using litmus paper. In fact, he says he can practically do it with his eyes closed. He follows the same steps in the same order. What kind of memory is Mr. Anthony using to set up the lab for this experiment?
  a. Production
  b. Script
  c. Priming
  d. Classical conditioning

Ques. 8

Rico is learning the steps to use when he accesses the secure sight to check his grades, look at assignments, and receive messages from his teachers. What kind of knowledge is he using?
  a. Procedural
  b. Declarative
  c. Conditional
  d. Elaborative

Ques. 9

As a seven-year-old boy, Dean likes to catch butterflies and moths. He is fascinated by the colors and patterns on their wings. He has caught many different butterflies and moths and pinned them to his display board. He looks up each one he catches and records specific information about it. He can explain their life cycles and numerous facts about them. What is his knowledge structure for all of this information?
  a. Story grammar
  b. Images
  c. Schema
  d. Visuospatial sketchpad
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6 years ago
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I'd be lost without this website, honestly
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