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vinh vinh
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6 years ago
Operant conditioning theorists use the term reinforcement rather than reward because:
  A) The term reward implies a consequence that others would judge to be desirable.
  B) One type of reinforcement (negative reinforcement) is actually a form of punishment.
  C) The term reward can refer only to a material reinforcer.
  D) The term reward can refer only to a social reinforcer.

Ques. 2

Empathic listening provides teachers with all of the following except a way to
  a. deal with a student's strong emotions without taking responsibility for solving the student's problem.
  b. diffuse emotionally charged situations.
  c. model good communication for students.
  d. resolve issues to the satisfaction of all parties involved.

Ques. 3

Luke approaches you before class and expresses his frustration about having done so poorly on yesterday's exam. I studied for hours and hours, he tells you. I guess I'm just not a very good test taker. You know that your test was a good measure of what you taught your students. You also know that students seldom do poorly on your tests simply because they are poor test takers. Considering the textbook's discussion of study strategies, what other possible explanation might you give Luke as to why he thought he knew the material well yet earned a low test score. And with your explanation in mind, describe a strategy you might teach him for improving his performance next time.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 4

You are hired to teach a struggling student named Joy more effective study skills. Describe five different strategies that you will teach Joy so that she can study and learn more effectively. Include at least one strategy that will enable Joy to transfer the things she learns to new situations.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 5

Ms. Webster tells students, The author of our history textbook knows what he's talking about. He's a well-respected scholar whose specialty is the period we're reading about this month: colonial America. Although such a statement might certainly be beneficial in some respects, it has which one of the following drawbacks?
  A) It will promote negative rather than positive transfer of the subject matter.
  B) It will decrease the likelihood that students engage in comprehension monitoring.
  C) It is unlikely to foster a disposition to critically evaluate textbook content.
  D) It will predispose students to use algorithms rather than heuristics while studying.

Ques. 6

Which strategy is not consistent with the study strategies presented in the textbook?
  A) At the beginning of a study session, Erika quickly reviews what she had studied in her prior study session.
  B) Erika studies one day a week for 4 hours instead of 4 days a week for one hour during each study session.
  C) Erika uses visual images to help her remember information.
  D) Erika plans specific times in her schedule to review what she has already studied.

Ques. 7

Perry is trying to solve the following riddle: What creature walks first on four legs, then two, then three? He repeatedly tries to think of an animal that might walk on three legs, but he can think only of animals that walk on either two or four legs. Finally, he is told the correct answera human being, who crawls, then walks, then walks with a cane. Which one of the following is the most likely explanation of Perry's difficulty?
  A) He has represented the problem with too narrow a definition of legs.
  B) He doesn't have enough working memory capacity.
  C) He doesn't have a sufficient knowledge base.
  D) He is engaging in divergent thinking when convergent thinking is required.
Essentials of Educational Psychology: Big Ideas To Guide Effective Teaching

Essentials of Educational Psychology: Big Ideas To Guide Effective Teaching

Edition: 5th
Read 197 times
3 Replies

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6 years ago
Answer to #1


Answer to #2


Answer to #3

Luke may have had an illusion of knowing the material: He used ineffective study strategies (e.g., rote memorization) and failed to monitor his comprehension, so he thought he knew the material better than he really did. Luke needs to develop a strategy for monitoring his comprehension (e.g., self-questioning).

Answer to #4

Following are examples of strategies a teacher might teach Joy (all of them are mentioned or implied in the textbook). The response should include five strategies, including at least one that will enable Joy to transfer academic subject matter to new situations.
 Show her how to plan her studying so that she spreads her learning over several days or weeks.
 Help her identify a quiet place to study.
 Give her some strategies for taking good notes (e.g., identifying main ideas, supplementing main points with concrete examples).
 Provide a general structure or format that she might use in taking notes.
 Encourage her to think about what she already knows about the topic and to relate new material to it. (This one should promote meaningful learning and so should also promote transfer.)
 Show her ways of elaborating on what she is learning, perhaps through mutual question-asking sessions with a study partner. (Elaboration should promote transfer.)
 Show her strategies for organizing information (e.g., outlining, concept mapping). (To the extent that potential applications are included in the organizational scheme, this one should promote transfer.)
 Give her questions that she should try to answer as she reads and studies. (If one question is How might I apply this? or some reasonable facsimile, this one should promote transfer.)
 Teach her to monitor her comprehensionfor instance, through self-explanation or self-questioning. (Depending on the form that comprehension monitoring takes, this one might promote transfer.)
 Teach her to how summarize what she is studying.
 Teach mnemonics for hard-to-remember information.
 Foster more sophisticated epistemic beliefs (e.g., help her see that knowledge of a topic involves more than just memorizing isolated facts). (Depending on how this strategy is implemented, it might promote transfer.)
 Show her how to set realistic goals for her studying.
 Teach her to reinforce herself for keeping to her study schedule.

Answer to #5


Answer to #6


Answer to #7

vinh Author
6 years ago
6 years ago
no worries, happy to help out
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