At around age 2 years, two things that a toddler is frequently afraid of are:
a. dogs and police officers.
b. lightning and having no friends.
c. monsters and falling down.
d. separation from a caregiver and the bathtub drain.
Ques. 2A child who is showing self-corrective empathy will:
a. begin to cry when another child is crying.
b. make an effort to sooth a friend after upsetting him/her.
c. notice and move toward a distressed friend in order to provide comfort.
d. seek a transitional object to calm down after becoming upset.
Ques. 3Children who claim that some toys are for boys and some are for girls have most clearly developed an understanding of:
a. gender constancy.
b. gender differences.
c. gender expectations.
d. gender identity.
Ques. 4Socialization refers to the process by which individuals:
a. acquire the accepted behaviors and values of their families and society.
b. develop a sense of independence and self-sufficiency.
c. emphasize and work toward interdependence and cooperation.
d. influence and are influenced by the environment.
Ques. 5Toddlers can be helped to overcome their fears in sensitive and respectful ways including:
a. demonstrating the need for survival fears to protect one from danger.
b. finding ways to give the child safe and appropriate control.
c. frequent exposure to that which is feared.
d. logical explanations.
Ques. 6When Jeremy's teacher says, Your mother smiled when you opened the door for her. You saw that her hands were too full of sacks to open it herself, she is:
a. encouraging Jeremy to use good manners.
b. helping Jeremy to appreciate his mother.
c. making points with Jeremy's mother.
d. supporting Jeremy's emerging prosocial learning.
Ques. 7Conflicts among toddlers can best be viewed as:
a. a sign of emerging antisocial behaviors.
b. positive opportunities for social learning.
c. resolved easily and promptly by a skilled adult.
d. viewed as precursors to bullying.