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sslong79 sslong79
Posts: 520
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6 years ago
Preterm and low-birth-weight babies face a variety of problems other infants do not face. Describe the respiratory and neurological problems these infants face and the implications of these problems.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 2

Identify the guidelines you would use to include toddlers and twos with developmental delays in an inclusive setting and provide a rationale for the guidelines you choose.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 3

Physical stimulation is necessary for children with severe visual impairments during critical periods of 2 to 3 months and again from 17 to 19 months to develop attachment behaviors.
  Indicate whether this statement is true or false.

Question 4

If the home language of the child is American Sign Language school should support the learning of Standard English.
  ANS: T

Question 5

For infants and toddlers the category of developmental delays is a broad one and will include some children who will later be identified as having other disabilities and some whose development has moved into the typical category.
  Indicate whether this statement is true or false.

Question 6

Routines are part of the learning environment if infants have an IFSP the goals for the infant should be planned for and incorporated into routines.
  Indicate whether this statement is true or false.

Question 7

States differ in the eligibility criteria they use for early intervention services.
  Indicate whether this statement is true or false.

Question 8

Good toddler curriculum provides experiences that are teacher directed and paced.
  Indicate whether this statement is true or false.

Question 9

The neurons in the brain run on glucose and they can store glucose for up to 24 hours.
  Indicate whether this statement is true or false.
Read 66 times
2 Replies

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6 years ago
Ans. to #1

10 Accurately describe the respiratory and neurological problems briefly, but with specific details; identify and detail the potential interventions, and the short and long-term implications of each problem.
8 Accurately describe the respiratory and neurological problems briefly, but with sufficient detail; identify the potential interventions, and the short- and long-term implications of each problem.
6 Briefly describe the respiratory and neurological problems, but with some detail; identify some possible interventions, and some implications of each problem.
4 Describe some respiratory and neurological problems; identify some possible interventions, and some implications of each problem.
2 Describe some problems; identify some possible interventions, and some implications of each problem.

Ans. to #2

10 Identify 8 to 10 guidelines, clearly explain each one, and provide an accurate and developmentally appropriate rationale for each guideline.
8 Identify 6 to 8 guidelines, clearly explain each one, and provide an accurate and developmentally appropriate rationale for each guideline.
6 Identify 6 to 8 guidelines, explain each one, and provide a somewhat accurate and developmentally appropriate rationale for several guidelines.
4 Identify 4 to 6 guidelines, explain each one, and provide an inaccurate and developmentally inappropriate rationale for most of the guidelines.
2 Identify 3 to 6 guidelines, explain each one, and provide an inaccurate and developmentally inappropriate rationale for the chosen guidelines.

Ans. to #3


Ans. to #4


Ans. to #5


Ans. to #6


Ans. to #7


Ans. to #8


Ans. to #9

sslong79 Author
6 years ago
This is very helpful, my teacher this year is not good
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