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Najmnour Najmnour
Posts: 465
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6 years ago
________ consists of intangible assets which are expressions of the human mind that give the creator of the property the right to its commercial value.
  A) Immovable property
  B) Freehold property
  C) Intellectual property
  D) Public property

 Q. 2

How are databases used across organizational boundaries? Illustrate with an example.
  What will be an ideal response?

 Q. 3

The DBMS programming language that end users and programmers use to manipulate data in the database is called CGI.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

 Q. 4

How can a firm's security policies contribute and relate to the six main business objectives? Give examples.
  What will be an ideal response?

 Q. 5

IT ________ refers to the overall decision-making that guides the IT strategy of a firm.
  Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

 Q. 6

The most common reason business systems fail is
  A) software bugs.
  B) software errors.
  C) hardware failures.
  D) facilities failures.
  E) data quality.
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6 years ago
Ans. to #1


Ans. to #2

In databases without boundaries, people outside the enterprise enter and manage most of the records. For example, Craig Newmark, founder of Craigslist.com, initially sought to help people in San Francisco find apartments and jobs. Craigslist is very customer-centric, and although the enterprise owns the database, the records are almost completely created by its customers. The site relies on the community of users-not just to generate all the ads, but also to reply privately to inquiries outside the Craigslist site. Compared to other websites with the same level of traffic, Craigslist employs extremely few people. Like other networking sites, this one provides a framework that works for a growing community of users who pay nothing to use it, and they are the ones who make it successful.

Ans. to #3


Ans. to #4

(1 ) Operational excellence: Security policies are essential to operational excellence. A firm's daily transactions can be severely disrupted by cybercrime such as hackers. A firm's efficiency relies on accurate data. In addition, information assets have tremendous value, and the repercussions can be devastating if they are lost, destroyed, or placed in the wrong hands.
(2 ) New products, services, business models. Security policies protect a company's ideas for new products and services, which could be stolen by competitors. Additionally, enhanced security could be seen by a customer as a way to differentiate your product.
(3 ) Customer and supplier intimacy: Customers rely on your security if they enter personal data into your information system, for example, credit card information into your e-commerce site. The information you receive from customers and suppliers directly affects how able you are to customize your product, service, or communication with them.
(4 ) Improved decision making: Secure systems make data accuracy a priority, and good decision making relies on accurate and timely data. Lost and inaccurate data would lead to compromised decision making.
(5 ) Competitive advantage: The knowledge that your firm has superior security than another would, on an otherwise level playing field, make your firm more attractive to do business with. Also, improved decision-making, new products and services, which are also affected by security (see above), will contribute to a firm's competitive advantage. Strong security and control also increase employee productivity and lower operational costs.
(6 ) Survival: New laws and regulations make keeping your security system up to date a matter of survival. Inadequate security and control may result in serious legal liability. Firms have been destroyed by errors in security policies.

Ans. to #5


Ans. to #6

Najmnour Author
6 years ago
I can see it now, thanks for clarifying with correct answers
6 years ago
Make sure to mark the topic solved
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