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James89 James89
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5 years ago
The nurse is caring for a woman who is at 14 weeks' gestation with her first child. The woman asks the nurse, "Am I at risk for osteoporosis since my baby takes calcium from my body?" What response by the nurse is correct?
A) "You may lose small amounts of bone mass with each pregnancy, but if you only have one child, the bone loss should not be significant enough to cause osteoporosis."
B) "When bone mass is lost during pregnancy, it is very difficult to restore, and you may be at increased risk for osteoporosis later in life. You should take a calcium supplement to prevent this."
C) "If you eat a diet that is rich in calcium, any bone mass that is lost during pregnancy and breastfeeding will be restored within several months of weaning the child."
D) "The baby won't require enough calcium during development to affect your bone mass or cause osteoporosis."
Nursing: A Concept-Based Approach to Learning, Volume II

Nursing: A Concept-Based Approach to Learning, Volume II

Edition: 3rd
Read 51 times
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