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9 years ago
Part 1 of 1 -   100.0 Points

Question 1 of 40
2.5 Points
Characteristic hazardous wastes are solid wastes that are known or tested to exhibit a hazardous trait such as:
Correct    A.All the above   

Answer Key: A
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Question 2 of 40
2.5 Points
One of the very last industrial dumps to make national news that resulted in further legislation was the Love Canal hazardous waste site in Niagara Falls, New York.

Answer Key: False
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Question 3 of 40
2.5 Points
Although many of the books point to Hooker Chemical alone as the villain in this tragedy, there is evidence to suggest Hooker Chemical acted responsibly and a different culprit caused the Love Canal area to be developed into residential housing.

Answer Key: True
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Question 4 of 40
2.5 Points
Which act was written in 1965 to deal primarily with solid waste from municipal sources.
Correct    D.SWDA   

Answer Key: D
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Question 5 of 40
2.5 Points
On December 11, 1980, in further reaction to Love Canal and other newly discovered hazardous waste cleanup sites, Congress also passed the "Superfund" Law, officially known as
Correct    A.CERCLA   

Answer Key: A
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Question 6 of 40
2.5 Points
What is a process that modifies the physical, chemical, or biological character of a waste
Correct    C.Treatment   
 D.Source reduction   

Answer Key: C
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Question 7 of 40
2.5 Points
What is a combination of avoiding waste generation, generating the least amount and concentration, and generating the least toxic waste possible.
Correct    A.Source reduction   

Answer Key: A
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Question 8 of 40
2.5 Points
What includes using constituents of a waste material to manufacture a product, removing contaminants from a waste for reuse, and using a waste as a substitute product for a commercial product.
Correct    B.Recycling   
 D.Source reduction   

Answer Key: B
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Question 9 of 40
2.5 Points
What is the discharge, deposition, injection, dumping, spilling, leaking, or placing of any waste into the environment, including land, water, or air.
 A.Source reduction   
Correct    C.Disposal

Answer Key: C
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Question 10 of 40
2.5 Points
The catastrophic earthquake and resulting tsunami off the coast of Japan on March 11, 2001 caused extensive damage to the Daiichi nuclear power plants in Fukushima

Answer Key: False
Feedback: Book Page 1.6 Para. 1 Under 1.6 THE FUKUSHIMA DISASTER
Question 11 of 40
2.5 Points
It is solely the generator's responsibility to determine if it generates or manages solid waste.

Answer Key: True
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Question 12 of 40
2.5 Points
Which of the Characteristic Hazardous Wastes are liquids having a flash point < 60 °C (140 °F) and compressed gases with a pressure over 1 atmosphere that are flammable or that support combustion.
Correct    B.Ignitable   

Answer Key: B
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Question 13 of 40
2.5 Points
Which of the Characteristic Hazardous Wastes are: acetone, benzene, waste gasoline, alcohols, naptha, petroleum distillates, and other used solvents such as xylene.
Correct    B.Ignitable   

Answer Key: B
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Question 14 of 40
2.5 Points
Which of the Characteristic Hazardous Wastes are unstable and can cause explosions, toxic fumes, gases, or vapors when exposed to water, heat, or increased pressure.
Correct    B.Reactive   

Answer Key: B
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Question 15 of 40
2.5 Points
Which of the Characteristic Hazardous Wastes are harmful or fatal when ingested or absorbed through the skin.
Correct    A.Toxic   

Answer Key: A
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Question 16 of 40
2.5 Points
The USEPA applied the term universal waste to certain types of wastes that are generated on a regular basis by almost every business and industry (universally).

Answer Key: True
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Question 17 of 40
2.5 Points
Failure to make a proper solid or hazardous waste determination is potentially a very serious violation, carrying possible monetary penalties.

Answer Key: True
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Question 18 of 40
2.5 Points
It is critical to forget if the facility must comply with solid and hazardous waste laws, rules, and regulations; and if it needs to comply, what exact compliance procedures must be followed.

Answer Key: False
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Question 19 of 40
2.5 Points
Having a written determination from a regulatory agency goes a long way toward convincing compliance staff that the facility tried its best to make a proper determination.

Answer Key: True
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Question 20 of 40
2.5 Points
One of the last questions a hazardous waste inspector asks when he inspects a facility is, "Have you made waste determinations on all of the waste generated at the facility?"

Answer Key: False
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Question 21 of 40
2.5 Points
Pollution Prevention Act of 1990, stating under Section 6602 (b) that:
 A.Pollution should not be prevented or reduced at the source whenever feasible.   
 B.Pollution that can be prevented should be recycled in an environmentally safe manner whenever feasible.   
 C.Pollution that can be prevented or recycled should be treated in an environmentally safe manner whenever feasible.   
Correct    D.Disposal or other release into the environment should be employed only as a last resort and should be conducted in an environmentally safe manner [PPA 90a].

Answer Key: D
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Question 22 of 40
2.5 Points
The Hazardous Waste Management Hierarchy meant that reduction of wastes at the source, waste minimization, waste exchange, and recycling must be considered and implemented by industries generating hazardous waste.

Answer Key: True
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Question 23 of 40
2.5 Points
What is the reuse of waste materials for beneficial purposes.
Correct    B.Recycling   

Answer Key: B
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Question 24 of 40
2.5 Points
Recycling involves running waste through a process to recover a useful or valuable material for future use.

Answer Key: False
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Question 25 of 40
2.5 Points
Which hazmat handler represents an important regulatory status used by regulators and compliance inspectors.
 A.Small Quantity Generators (SQG)   
 B.Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators (CESQG)   
Correct    C.Nonregulated handler (NRH)

 D.Large Quantity Generators (LQG)   

Answer Key: C
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Question 26 of 40
2.5 Points
Which hazmat handler generates no more than 100 kilograms (kg) or 220 pounds (lb) per month of hazardous waste, or 1 kg (2.2 lb) of acute hazardous waste per month (P-List).
 A.Small Quantity Generators (SQG)   
Correct    B.Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators (CESQG)   
 C.Large Quantity Generators (LQG)   
 D.Nonregulated handler (NRH)

Answer Key: B
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Question 27 of 40
2.5 Points
Which hazmat handler generates more than 100 kg and no more than 1,000 kg of non-acute hazardous waste per month, or no more than 1 kg of acute hazardous wastes per month.
 A.Nonregulated handler (NRH)   
 B.Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators (CESQG)
Correct    C.Small Quantity Generators (SQG)   
 D.Large Quantity Generators (LQG)   

Answer Key: C
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Question 28 of 40
2.5 Points
Which hazmat handler generates ≥ 1,000 kg of hazardous waste per month, or greater than 1 kg acute hazardous waste per month, and stores more than 1,000 kg of hazardous waste and more than 1 kg of acute hazardous waste.
 A.Nonregulated handler (NRH)   
 B.Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators (CESQG)   
 C.Small Quantity Generators (SQG)   
Correct    D.Large Quantity Generators (LQG)   

Answer Key: D
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Question 29 of 40
2.5 Points
Transporters are allowed to store and transfer hazardous wastes from one vehicle to another for up to 100 days.

Answer Key: False
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Question 30 of 40
2.5 Points
TSDFs operate under a hazardous waste permit that is issued by the regulating state or the federal government, following a rigorous review and a public review process.

Answer Key: True
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Question 31 of 40
2.5 Points
What is a technology normally used to clean up contaminated hazardous waste sites.
 A.Ion Exchange   
Correct    C.Air Stripping   

Answer Key: C
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Question 32 of 40
2.5 Points
What is a chemical treatment process used to remove dissolved ionic species from contaminated aqueous streams.
Correct    A.Ion Exchange   
 B.Air Stripping   

Answer Key: A
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Question 33 of 40
2.5 Points
These materials can frequently be removed by what on an active-solid surface?
Correct    A.Adsorption   
 D.Ion Exchange   

Answer Key: A
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Question 34 of 40
2.5 Points
What of a waste involves addition of a chemical substance to change the pH to a more neutral level
Correct    C.Neutralization   
 D.Ion exchange   

Answer Key: C
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Question 35 of 40
2.5 Points
Flocculation is the destabilization of particles in a liquid so that they can agglomerate to produce larger particles.

Answer Key: False
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Question 36 of 40
2.5 Points
Oxidation is a chemical reaction in which the valence of a compound increases from the loss of electrons.

Answer Key: True
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Question 37 of 40
2.5 Points
Oxidation is the opposite reaction, where valence of a compound decreases from gaining electrons.

Answer Key: False
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Question 38 of 40
2.5 Points
Surface impoundments are non-containerized piles of solid, non-liquid hazardous waste that are used for temporary storage or treatment.

Answer Key: False
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Question 39 of 40
2.5 Points
Waste Piles are non-containerized piles of solid, non-liquid hazardous waste that are used for temporary storage or treatment.

Answer Key: True
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Question 40 of 40
2.5 Points
Land Treatment Units use naturally occurring soil microbes and sunlight to treat hazardous waste.

Answer Key: True
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8 years ago
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