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biolove biolove
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Posts: 1723
13 years ago
50.  The concept of inclusive fitness explains"
"a. optimal feeding behavior.",
"b. sexual selection.",
"c. kin selection and altruistic behavior.",
"d. monogamous mating systems.",
"e. the coefficient of relatedness.33. In an ecosystem,",
"a. Energy is recycled through the trophic structure.
"b. Energy is usually captured from sunlight by primary producers, passed to secondary producers in the form of
organic compounds, and lost to decomposers in the form of heat.",
"c. Chemicals are recycled between the biotic and abiotic sectors, whereas energy makes a one way trip through
the food web.",
"d. There is a continuous process by which energy is lost as heat, and chemical elements leave the ecosystem
through runoff.",
"e. A food chain shows that all trophic levels may feed off each other.",
34.  Primary productivity",
"a. is equal to the standing crop of an ecosystem.",
"b. is greatest in freshwater ecosystems.",
"c. is the rate of conversion of light to chemical energy in an ecosystem.",
"d. is inverted in some aquatic ecosystems.",
"e. is all of the above.",
35.  The open ocean and tropical rain forest are the two largest contributors to Earth's net primary productivity
"a. Both have high rates of net primary productivity.
" b. Both cover large surface areas of the Earth.",
" c. Nutrients cycle fastest in these two ecosystems.",
d. The ocean covers a large surface area and the tropical rain forest has a high rate of productivity.",
"e. Both a and b are correct.",
36. Productivity in terrestrial ecosystems is affected by",
"a. temperature.",
"b. light intensity.",
"c. availability of nutrients.",
"d. availability of water",
"e. all of the above.",
37. Secondary productivity",
"a. is measured by the standing crop.",
"b. is the rate of biomass production in consumers.",
"c. is greater than primary productivity.",
"d. is 10 percent less than primary productivity.",
"e. is the gross primary productivity minus the energy used for respiration.",
38.  Biogeochemical cycles are global for elements",
"a. that are found in the atmosphere.",
"b. that are found mainly in the soil.",
"c. such as carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus.",
"d. that are dissolved in water.",
"e. in the nonavailable reservoirs.",
39.  Which of these processes is incorrectly paired with its description?",
"a. nitrification--oxidation of ammonium in the soil to nitrite and nitrate",
"b. nitrogen fixation--reduction of atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia",
"c. denitrification--removal of nitrogen from organic compounds",
"d. ammonification---decomposition of organic compounds into ammonia",
"e. evaporation of ammonia--loss of ammonia to the atmosphere from nonacidic soils",
40.  Carbon cycles relatively rapidly except when it is",
"a. dissolved in freshwater ecosystems.",
"b. released by respiration.",
"c. converted into sugars.",
"d. stored in petroleum, coal, or wood.",
"e. part of the bicarbonate reservoir in ocean, s.",
 41.  Which of the following was not shown by the Hubbard Brook Forest study?",
"a. Most minerals recycle within a forest ecosystem.",
"b. Deforestation results in a large increase in water runoff.",
"c. Mineral losses from a valley were great following deforestation.",
"d. Nitrate was the mineral that showed the greatest loss.",
"e. Nutrient loss returned to normal in less than two years after deforestation.",
42.  A change in behavior as a result of experience is called",
"a. habituation.",
"b. imprinting.",
"c. insight
"d. learning.",
"e, maturation.",
43.   A critical period",
"a. is the time right after birth when sexual identity is developed.",
"b. usually follows the receiving of a sign stimulus.",
"c. is a limited time during which imprinting can occur.",
"d. is the period during which birds can learn to fly.",
"e. is the time during which social animals play.
44. In classical conditioning,",
"a. An animal associates a behavior with a reward or punishment.",
"b. An animal learns as a result of trial and error.
"c. Sensitivity to unimportant or repetitive stimuli occurs.",
"d. A bird can learn the song of a related species if it hears only that song.",
"e. An irrelevant stimulus can elicit a response because of its association with a normal stimulus.",
45.  Circannual behaviors",
"a. are often linked to changes in day length.",
"b. rely solely on endogenous cues.",
"c. involve foraging, reproduction, and migration.",
"d. do not occur in free-running conditions.",
"e. have a rhythm of 24 hours that is based on exogenous cues and endogenous timers.",
46.  A kinesis",
"it. is a randomly directed movement that is not caused by external stimuli.",
"b. is a movement that is directed toward or away from a stimulus.",
"c. is a change in activity rate in response to a stimulus.",
"d. is illustrated by trout swimming upstream.",
"e. often involves piloting but not orientation or navigation.",
47.  A dominance hierarchy",
"a. may be established by agonistic behavior.",
"b. determines which animals get first access to resources.",
"c. helps to avoid potential injury of competitors.",
"d. may help to stabilize population density.",
"e. applies to all of the above.",
"48.  An animal's territory",
"a. may be larger than its home range.",
"b. may decrease in size if resources dwindle and expand if resources become more plentiful.",
"c. excludes both conspecifics and members of other species.",
"d. may be proclaimed by scent marks, vocal displays, and patrolling.",
"e. applies to all of the above.",
"49.  In a species in which females provide all the needed food and protection for the young,
"a. Males are likely to be promiscuous.",
"b. Mating systems are likely to be monogamous.",
"c. Mating systems are likely to be polyandrous.",
"d. Males most likely will show sexual selection.",
"e. Females will have a higher Darwinian fitness than males.", 25.  Two species, A and B, occupy adjoining environmental patches that differ in several abiotic factors. When
species A is experimentally removed from a portion of its patch, species B colonizes the vacated area and thrives.
When species B is experimentally removed from a portion of its patch species A does not successfully colonize
the area.  From this, one might conclude that
a. Both species A and species B are limited to their range by abiotic factors.",
"b. Species A is limited to its range by competition and species B is limited by abiotic factors.",
"c. Both species are limited to their range by competition.",
"d. Species A is limited to its range by abiotic factors and species B is limited to its range because it cannot
compete with species A.",
"e. Species B is K-selected and species A is r-selected.
26.  The species richness of a community refers to",
"a. the relative numbers of individuals in each species.",
"b. the number of different species found in a community.",
"c. the feeding relationships or trophic structure within the community.",
"d. the species diversity that is characteristic of that community.",
27.  When one species was removed from a tidepool the species richness became significantly reduced.",
"The removed species was probably",
" a. a strong competitor."
" b. a potent parasite.",
" c. a resource partitioner.",
" d. a keystone predator.",
"e. the species with the' highest relative abundance.",
28.   A highly successful parasite"
" a. will not harm its host.",
" b. may benefit its host.",
" c. will be able to feed without killing its host.",
" d. will kill its host fairly rapidly.",
" e, will have coevolved into a commensalistic interaction with its host.",
29.  The most important factor(s) in determining community structure",
"a. may change from one community to another.",
"b. is predation.",
"c. is competition.",
"d. is history.",
"e. are structural diversity and environmental patchiness.",
30.  During succession, inhibition",
"a. may prevent the achievement of a climax community.",
"b. is evidence for the equilibrial theory of succession.",
"c. is one of the factors that determines the most tolerant species in an area.",
"d. interferes with the successful colonization of other species.",
"e. may involve changes in soil pH or accelerated accumulation of humus.",
31.  According to the nonequilibrial model of succession,",
"a. Chance events such as dispersal and disturbance play maior roles in succession, and species composition
remains in flux.
"b. Species diversity is greatest in the climax community.",
"c. When succession reaches a climax community only extinctions make room for new colonists.",
"d. The communities with the greatest diversity have the greatest resiliency and resistance to change.",
"e.  Early colonizers are r-selected and later community members are K-selected.",
"32.  The island recolonization experiment of Simberloff and Wilson showed that",
"a. Species diversity returns very slowly to an island after a disturbance.",
"b. The species diversity was highest when disturbances were intermediate in frequency and severity.",
"c. Whereas the same numbers of species of arthropods returned to each island, the species composition was
different, indicating the importance of chance events.",
"d. Islands closest to the mainland had the greatest numbers of arthropods recolonize, and their community
composition and diversity were the same as prior to fumigation.",
"e. The largest islands had the greatest species richness but the least species diversity.", 17.  Density-independent factors",
"a. tend to maintain a population around the carrying capacity.
"b. are involved in the population cycles seen in some mammals.",
"c. are important in the regulation of  K-selected populations.",
"d. include climatic events and habitat disruptions
"e. affect a higher proportion of a small population.",
18.  "Which of the following is not a characteristic of a K-selected species?
"a. usually one reproductive episode per lifetime with little parental care",
"b. extensive homeostatic capability to deal with environmental fluctuations
"c. long maturation time",
"d. usually low mortality",
"e. large offspring or eggs",
19. Which of the following is not an example of coevolution?",
"a. adaptations of flowers and their exclusive pollinators",
"b. passion-flower vines and the butterfly Heliconius",
"c. a parasite that is specific for one host
"d. a brood parasite's eggs that mimic the host species' eggs",
"e. aposematic coloration of monarch butterflies and predators that learn not to eat them",
20.  Through resource partitioning,",
"a. Two species can compete for the same prey item.
"b. Slight variations in niche allow closely related species to coexist in the same habitat.",
"c. Two species can share the same realized niche in a habitat.",
"d. Competitive exclusion results in the success of the superior species.",
"e. Two species undergo character displacement that allows them to compete.",
21. A species may be restricted to a particular range because",
"a. It cannot tolerate environmental conditions outside that range.",
"b. It has never dispersed beyond that range.
"c. It has retracted from a former range due to local extinctions.",
"d. It would outcompete native species if it were transplanted to their habitat.",
"e. a, b, and c are all true.
22.  The ability of some herbivores to eat plants that have toxic secondary compounds may be an example of",
"a. coevolution.",
"b. mutualism.",
"c. commensalism.",
"d. niche partitioning.",
"e. parasitism.",
23.  A palatable (good-tasting) prey species may defend against predation by",
"a. Mullerian mimicry.",
"b. Batesian mimicry.",
"c. secondary compounds.",
"d. aposematic coloration.",
"e. either a or b.",
24.  "Which of the following is not part of Gleason's individualistic concept of communities?",
"a. Communities are chance collections of species that are in the same area because of similar environmental
"b. There should be no distinct boundaries between communities.",
"c. The consistent composition of a community is based on interactions that cause it to function as an integrated
"d. Species are distributed independently along environmental gradients.",
"e. Most communities studied meet the predictions made by this concept.",
  9. Upwellings in the ocean",
"a. are locations of reef communities.",
"b. occur over deep-sea hydrothermal vents.",
"c. are responsible for ocean currents.",
"d. bring nutrient-rich water to the surface.",
"e. are most common in tropical waters, where they bring oxygen-rich water to the surface.
10. In a range with a heterogeneous distribution of suitable habitats, the dispersion pattern of a population
probably would be",
"a. clumped,",
"b. uniform.",
"c, random.",
"d. unpredictable.",
"e. dense.",
11. The age structure of a population influences population growth because",
"a. Younger females have more offspring than do older females.",
"b. Populations with shorter generation times grow more rapidly.",
"c. Different age groups have different reproductive capabilities.",
"d. Life tables show that mortality rates change with age.",
"e. The more individuals that are immature, the faster the population will grow.",
12. A Type I survivorship curve is level at first, with a rapid increase in mortality in old age. This type of curve is
"a. typical of many invertebrates that produce large numbers of offspring.",
"b. typical of humans and other large mammals.",
"c. found most often in r-selected species.",
"d.; almost never found in nature.",
"e.. typical of all species of birds.",
13. The middle of the S growth curve in the logistic growth model",
"a. shows that at middle densities, individuals of a Population do not affect each other.",
"b. is best described by the term rmax N.",
"c. shows that reproduction will occur only until  the population size reaches K and dN/dt becomes 0
"d. is the period when competition for resources is highest
"e. is the period when the population is increasing the fastest.
14. A Type III survivorship curve would more likely to be found in",
"a. a semelparous species.",
"b. a K-selected species.",
"c. a species that undergoes",
"d. a species that is territorial.",
e. a population that is regulated dependent factors."
15. A few members of a population have favorable habitat with few predators and unlimited resources, but their
population growth rate is slower than that of the parent population.  What is a possible explanation for this
"a. The genetic makeup of these founders may be less favorable than that of the parent population.",
"b. The parent population may still be in an exponential part of its growth curve and not yet limited by density-
dependent factors.
"c. The Allee effect may be operating; there are not enough population members present for successful
"d. a, b, and c may apply.",
"e. This scenario would not happen.",
16. The term (K-N)/K",
"a. is the carrying capacity for a population.",
"b. is greatest when K is very large.",
"c. is zero when population size equals carrying capacity.
"d. increases in value as N approaches K.",
"e. accounts for the overshoot of carrying capacity
 Ecology Multiple Choice Practice Questions Chapters 50-55
"1. Which of the following is incorrectly paired with its description?
"a, neritic zone--shallow area over continental shelf"
"b. abyssal zone- benthic region where light does not penetrate"
"c. littoral Zone- area of Open water
"d. intertidal zone, shallow area at edge of water
"e. profundal Zonc deep, aphotic region of lakes
2. A conformer is most likely to be successful in a(n)",
"a. intertidal zone.",
"b. coral reef.",
"c. taiga.",
"d. chaparral.",
"e. estuary.",
3. TWO communities have the same mean temperature and rainfall but very different compositions and
characteristics. The best explanation for this phenomenon is that the two",
"a. are found at different altitudes
"b. are composed of species that have very low dispersal rates.",
"c. are found on different continents.",
"d. receive different amounts of Sunlight.",
"e. have a different range of temperatures and pattern of rainfall throughout the year.",
4. "Phytoplankton are the basis of the food chain in",
"a. streams.",
"b. wetlands.",
"c. the oceanic pelagic biome.",
"d. rocky intertidal zones.",
"e. deep-sea thermal vents.",
5. The ample rainfall of the tropics and the arid areas around 30°  north and south latitudes are caused by
"a. ocean currents that flow clockwise in the northern hemisphere and counterclockwise in the southern.
"b. the global circulation of air initiated by intense solar radiation near the equator producing wet and warm air.",
"c. the tilting of the earth on its axis and the resulting seasonal changes in climate.
"d. the heavier rain on the windward side of mountain ranges and the "rainshadow" on the leeward side.",
"e. the location of tropical rain forests and deserts.",
6. The permafrost of the arctic tundra",
"a. prevents plants from getting established and growing.",
"b. protects small animals during the long winters.",
"c. prevents plant roots from penetrating into the soil.",
"d. helps to keep the soil from getting wet since water cannot soak in.
"e. both c and d.",
7.  Many plant species have adaptations for dealing with the periodic fires typical of a",
"a. savanna.",
"b. chaparral.",
"c. temperate grassland.",
"d. temperate deciduous forest.",
"e. a,b,or c.",
8. Track athletes may train at high altitudes in order to
"a. take advantage of the better weather.",
"b. produce more red blood cells through acclimation.",
"c. get used to running hills",
"d. extend their tolerance limits for altitude.",
"e. adapt physiologically and morphologically to cold and wind.",
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