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emilyliv emilyliv
Posts: 154
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3 years ago
For one of the questions, I have to make up a question on my own using the idea of a sinusoidal equation. I did a ferris wheel that is 212 feet tall and a diameter of 203 feet, and rotates every 5 min. I'm not sure if the equation I did is correct and I really want to check my answer. What would the correct way look like in degrees mode? The radius form that you use confuses me at times. Thanks
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3 years ago
Hi emilyliv

Based on the information you provided, here's what it'd look like:

3 years ago
I find the information you used a little off. I would use an example like this:

emilyliv Author
3 years ago
The information that I used is based on a ferris wheel since the theme is an amusement park, this question is more like an activity. But also what do you mean by it's a little off, Was I missing something? And sorry again, but can you show me how to do it without radius mode, it would give me a better understanding if you used degrees, Thanks.
3 years ago
So the issue here is that we're making the assumption that the entry point of the ride is at ground level. That's problematic because it suggests the ride will descent below ground level -- I've never seen one that operates like that.

To make it into degrees, use the formula:

per = 360 / b

or b = 360 / per, the period is 5 mins, so plug that it.
emilyliv Author
3 years ago
so for it to make better sense, I should change the ground level? And also the answer that you wrote above pi is 1.256?
emilyliv Author
3 years ago
I need it to match the formula asink(x - d) + c with all transformations, and im still sort of confused how to apply that with the information that I made up. I tried doing a lot on my own but they never made sense.
3 years ago
I need it to match the formula asink(x - d) + c

Based on the information you gave me, there is no phase-shift and there is no vertical shift - your c value. Your function has to be in terms of height (h) and time (t). Height depends on the time. Your equation should be in terms of radians, not degrees, because the horizontal-axis represents time, not degrees. Therefore, it doesn't make sense to put it in degrees.

h(t) = 203 sin 2π/3(t)

I did a ferris wheel that is 212 feet tall and a diameter of 203 feet

Originally you mentioned the diameter of the ferris wheel. That has no place in the formula. If you include an initial height, we could actually modify the equation so it relates to it.
emilyliv Author
3 years ago
yes but the question must require all transformations, so what other information can i add to the ferris wheel equation, can i say it is 4m above the ground, does that help? But can we still use degrees in this case, because i was never taught radians, it isn’t required. And also for the initial height, if you mean equation of axis, in which we would use the formula max + min / 2, we would have to find it using the maximum and minimum value. we would have to figure it out, rather than just being given that. If that makes sense
3 years ago
I don't see a way you can represent the equation in degrees if your independent variable is based on time, it just doesn't make sense. I know what you mean though, you can't use radians if you've never been taught it, If you include a height, it will give you a "c" value, and change the equation a little, but it still won't include a "d" value (related to the phase shift).

Usually what we do to write something in degrees is we use the formula

period = 360/b

The period here is 5 mins:

5 = 360/b

b = 360/5 = 72

h(t) = 203 sin 72(t) -- something like that

If it's 4 meters up, then we have:

h(t) = 203 sin 2π/3(t) + 4
emilyliv Author
3 years ago
I actually have some examples to show you what i mean, hope this helps.
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emilyliv Author
3 years ago
Also does my question seem better when I add the d value? Or does it need some more changes
3 years ago
Thanks for the examples

I noticed a major flaw with your original example.

The diameter and height should be the same, shouldn't they? Did you initially make them different, and if so, why?
emilyliv Author
3 years ago
Okay, I can change the diameter, plus I saw some ferris wheel examples with different diameters so I thought to do the same , and also how about if I wanted to add all transformations? Because that was the part I struggled on and I need to include them, how should I change my question in this case?
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