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Anonymous mohamedd
A year ago
1-The best way to understand cellular telephony is to equate it to all we have learned so far about the wire-line telephone network. Cellular telephones use DTMF dialing. Voice frequencies are the source of the signal. The network uses T1 circuits as trunks, fiber optic cable and multiplexers in their networks, and digital switches to switch calls. The difference between the two networks is that the cellular network uses the airways to carryinformation the last mile to the customer. In addition, the customer is mobile—no longer tied to one location. The cellular network must transmit information through the airways and follow the user around the globe. Other than these two differences, the cellular network is very similar to the landline telephone network.
The tone of the above paragraph is

a- biased and dramatic  b- critical and gloomy

c- neutral and factual  d- skeptical and cynical

2-People should not be allowed to have children until they take a parenting class.

The purpose of this statement is

a-to inform  b-to persuade

c-to entertain  d-to argue

3-Cell phones are having an adverse effect on public space. The advent of cell phone technology clearly has offered the world many benefits. However, one of the consequences of this new technology is that people have become increasingly rude and thoughtless when in public. This is evidenced in the constant ringing in classrooms and loud conversations about mundane topics in shopping malls. Public space is no longer sacred. People even answer the phone in the library and movie theatres—spaces that used to be considered quiet zones! We must consider regulating the use of cell phones in public places so that those who abuse the privilege of owning a cell phone do not infringe on the rights of others.

The tone of the above paragraph is

a-inspirational and encouraging    b-serious and instructional
c-straightforward and objective    d-critical and pessimistic

4- Cell phones are having an adverse effect on public space. The advent of cell phone technology clearly has offered the world many benefits. However, one of the consequences of this new technology is that people have become increasingly rude and thoughtless when in public. This is evidenced in the constant ringing in classrooms and loud conversations about mundane topics in shopping malls. Public space is no longer sacred. People even answer the phone in the library and movie theatres—spaces that used to be considered quiet zones! We must consider regulating the use of cell phones in public places so that those who abuse the privilege of owning a cell phone do not infringe on the rights of others.

The purpose of this paragraph is

a-to inform       b-to instruct
c-to persuade   d-to entertain

5-Tony’s Place is crammed into a tiny building next to the Fine Arts Theater. The owners offer a menu of Italian food. They’ve got the checkered table clothes, dim lights, and crusty bread. They also know how to make a hearty red sauce. Too bad they use it to drown delicate fish. They also seem to lace everything with truckloads of garlic. The service needs some work, too. Our waiter didn’t know what the specials were. Nor did he think to refill our water glasses before we asked. With a combination of fake-friendly chatter and outright nagging, he made us order, finish up, and clear out. He seemed to see us only as automatic tip machines. The food and low prices bring the customers in the door. The service should not push them out.

The tone of the passage is

a- sad.     b- plain and factual

c- critical, or finds fault   d-boastful

6- Tony’s Place is crammed into a tiny building next to the Fine Arts Theater. The owners offer a menu of Italian food. They’ve got the checkered table clothes, dim lights, and crusty bread. They also know how to make a hearty red sauce. Too bad they use it to drown delicate fish. They also seem to lace everything with truckloads of garlic. The service needs some work, too. Our waiter didn’t know what the specials were. Nor did he think to refill our water glasses before we asked. With a combination of fake-friendly chatter and outright nagging, he made us order, finish up, and clear out. He seemed to see us only as automatic tip machines. The food and low prices bring the customers in the door. The service should not push them out.

The writer says, “He seemed to see us only as automatic tip machines.” The tone of this sentence is
a-very serious    b- sympathetic
c- threatening    d-sarcastic.

7- Tony’s Place is crammed into a tiny building next to the Fine Arts Theater. The owners offer a menu of Italian food. They’ve got the checkered table clothes, dim lights, and crusty bread. They also know how to make a hearty red sauce. Too bad they use it to drown delicate fish. They also seem to lace everything with truckloads of garlic. The service needs some work, too. Our waiter didn’t know what the specials were. Nor did he think to refill our water glasses before we asked. With a combination of fake-friendly chatter and outright nagging, he made us order, finish up, and clear out. He seemed to see us only as automatic tip machines. The food and low prices bring the customers in the door. The service should not push them out.

The writer’s main purpose is to?
a-inform the reader  b-flatter the reader
c-caution and entertain the reader   d-sell something to the reader

8-Tony’s Place is crammed into a tiny building next to the Fine Arts Theater. The owners offer a menu of Italian food. They’ve got the checkered table clothes, dim lights, and crusty bread. They also know how to make a hearty red sauce. Too bad they use it to drown delicate fish. They also seem to lace everything with truckloads of garlic. The service needs some work, too. Our waiter didn’t know what the specials were. Nor did he think to refill our water glasses before we asked. With a combination of fake-friendly chatter and outright nagging, he made us order, finish up, and clear out. He seemed to see us only as automatic tip machines. The food and low prices bring the customers in the door. The service should not push them out.

In which sentence does the author use exaggeration to make a point about the food?
a-The owners offer a menu of Italian food  b- They also know how to make a hearty red sauce
c-They also seem to lace everything with truckloads of garlic

d-The food and low prices bring the customers in the door

Earlier this month, I visited Shelley and Daren Forney, a couple in Fort Collins, Colo., whose 9-year-old daughter, Erica, was on her bicycle, just 15 pedals from her front door, when she was struck and killed by a driver who was distracted by a cell phone. I think about Erica’s death and how senseless and stupid it was — caused by a driver distracted by a phone call that just couldn’t wait.

The tone of the above selection from Oprah Winfrey’s Dnt Txt N Drv is both
a-sarcastic and bitter  b-ironic and skeptical
c-serious and critical   d-neutral and straightforward

10-The laws in the U.S. on texting while driving are changing. There is no national ban on texting while driving. However, there are a number of states that have banned the practice, such as Alaska, California, Oregon and Pennsylvania. Other states only have a texting while driving ban in place for novice drivers. The punishment for violating the ban varies widely from state. One should be aware of the laws of each individual state where he/she is driving.

The main purpose of the above passage is
a-to persuade   b-to inform

c-to instruct   d-to entertain

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Staff Member
A year ago

critical and pessimistic


to persuade


critical, or finds fault




caution and entertain the reader.


They also seem to lace everything with truckloads of garlic

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 Bridging the Gap, Thirteenth Edition
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A year ago
Bridging the Gap, Thirteenth Edition

oh nice!

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