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yoxi5236 yoxi5236
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11 years ago
Recently, Japan's RIKEN scientists reported that a U.S. academic journal "Science" in Science, they found that an GPKOW immune inhibitory receptor controls the composition of the intestinal flora, this receptor is missing, the intestine micro-ecological environment will be disturbed, leading to the systemic immune system is overactive.The report noted that the live 500-1000 kinds of bacteria in the human gut, regulation of intestinal immune system and make it moderately active, in order to maintain Gpt human health, the composition of the intestinal flora is very important for this moderately active.The Japan RIKEN immune and allergic scientific research center experts, to the intestine of a huge number of immunoglobulin A antibody activity for clues and discovered through animal experiments, immune inhibitory receptor PD-1 with maintenance of the immunoglobulin A quality and control the Gpt2 composition of intestinal flora.Previous studies have shown that the PD-1 receptors can inhibit the function of the immune system, while the PD-1 receptor deficient mice, their immune system will overreact, culminating in autoimmune disease symptoms. However, if the PD-1 receptor deficient mice intestinal bacteria is removed, the mice would not have symptoms of GPX3 autoimmune diseases. However, how the intestinal flora have an impact on the immune system, details of which has not been to obtain an explanation.
PD-1 receptor deficient mice, the Japanese RIKEN experts study of immunoglobulin A and intestinal flora in their intestines. They found that these mice in vivo immunoglobulin A number of B lymphocytes and normal mice are basically the same, and intestinal GRAMD3 secretion of immunoglobulin A number of normal mice, but the PD-1 receptor deficient mice body produces immunoglobulin A and the ability to bind intestinal bacteria is weakened.Affected the composition of the intestinal flora changes, the probiotic Bifidobacterium reduced to barely detectable extent, and usually a smaller number of harmful Enterobacter has increased 400 times.In addition, the PD-1 receptor missing the mice to produce inflammatory cytokines in the number of helper T cells increased to four times the original, usually only present in the intestinal bacteria in the gut antibody in the blood has also been detected.The experts concluded that the above changes: micro-ecological environment in the intestinal tract disorders can lead to the systemic immune system is overactive, and thus there may be a pathological change of autoimmune diseases.To participate in the researchers, these new findings could help develop new methods to prevent or alleviate the symptoms of autoimmune diseases. The experts also hope that will continue to in-depth study details of the impact of intestinal micro-ecological environment in the systemic immune system.

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