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Crazer59 Crazer59
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9 years ago
Impulse conduction is fastest in neurons that are...?
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9 years ago
Crazer59 Author
9 years ago
Thank you Alyssa. I did find out shortly after posting this question, also that the myelin acts as an insulator helping to conduct impulses faster, kind of like neural booster. Does that make sense?

 Smiling Face with Open Mouth
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9 years ago
yes and thank you for explaining it  Slight Smile
8 years ago
why are the nerves in gray matter non-myelinated?
8 years ago
why are the nerves in gray matter non-myelinated?

Action potentials in neurons that lack myelin sheaths travel much more slowly than action potentials in equivalent neurons sheathed in myelin. The white are myelinated because Its axons are much more longer and their are more of them, and so is needs to be faster in order to issue a timely command. The unmyelinated neurons are short so that the speed of the signal is not that important (myelination), and the white. These two have to work together in order to conduct the Impulse. And also gray matter do contain some myelinated cells.
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