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mkshawty mkshawty
Posts: 174
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11 years ago
A Horizontal translation is applied to the graph of y=x^3 +2 so that it will pass through (3,10) what is the new equation of the graph?

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On Hiatus
11 years ago
There are two forms of the quadratic function:

y = ax^2 + bx + c

(a, b, and c are all coefficients)


y = a(x - h)^2 + k   

(a, h, and k are all coefficients)

a = stretch/compression factor
h = horizontal translation
k = vertical translation

We can do the same for the cubic function:

y = (x - h)^3 + k

10 = (3 - h)^3 + 2

10 - 2 = (3 - h)^3

8 = (3 - h)^3 (take the cube root of both sides)

2 = 3 - h

h = 1

So, the function should look as follows:

y = (x - 1)^3 + 2

To check, sub in x = 3 back into the function:

y = (3 - 1)^3 + 2

y = 2^3 + 2

y = 10

Hope this helps!  Smiling Face with Open Mouth
11 years ago
the graph of y = X3 + 2 passes through points ( 0, 2)
X needs to go up 3 units so you would subtract 3 from the X leaving you with
y= ((X-3)3) +2

now it needs to pass through 10 so the new graph equation would be:

y= ((x-3)3)+10
Can't you see, that the brain in consciousness. The mind is God. There are no limits except for those that we impose on ourselves
mkshawty Author
11 years ago
thanks smartie!
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